Exotic Genetix
Event Horizon

Event Horizon

gezüchtet von Exotic Genetix

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Infos vom Züchter

Event Horizon ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±58 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Exotic Genetix' Event Horizon ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Exotic Genetix' Event Horizon Beschreibung

Exotic Genetix Event Horizon I’m delighted to present the Event Horizon strain from Exotic Genetix, a stunning marriage of RS-11 and Gary Poppins. This blend takes you on an exhilarating ride across the universe of cannabis, boasting an exciting aroma and flavor profile that’s truly out of this world.

Origins of the Event Horizon Strain

Event Horizon is the progeny of two exceptional strains, RS-11 and Gary Poppins. The first, RS-11, renowned for its intoxicating aroma and potent effects, harmoniously merges with Gary Poppins, celebrated for its distinct flavor and well-rounded characteristics. The result? Event Horizon, a strain steeped in an intriguing lineage and bearing impressive traits. Every pull from this strain unravels its complex parentage, bearing witness to a long tradition of expert cannabis cultivation and innovation.

Terpene Profile and Aromas of Event Horizon strain

Every inhale of Event Horizon takes you on a journey through its rich terpene profile. With an earthy base courtesy of RS-11, layered with sweet and tangy hints, it is a truly fascinating strain. However, what really stands out is a surprise hint of spiced coffee, a trait proudly inherited from Gary Poppins. The aroma envelopes you, reminiscent of a serene forest morning paired with an inviting café. Each puff promises a new surprise, a celebration of its unique lineage and skilled breeding.

Awards given to Exotic Genetix

Exotic Genetix’s contribution to the cannabis industry has not gone unnoticed. The company has consistently been recognized for its exceptional work in cannabis genetics, as evidenced by its impressive awards and accolades.

Their first notable triumph was at the 2014 U.S. Cannabis Cup. Exotic Genetix took the cannabis world by storm when their Cookies & Cream strain clinched the award for the Best U.S. Hybrid. This unique strain, a cross between Starfighter and an undisclosed Girl Scout Cookies phenotype, showcased the company’s knack for creating balanced, flavorful hybrids.

Three years later, in 2017, Exotic Genetix achieved an unprecedented feat at the High Times Cannabis Cup. The company dominated the competition, walking away with a staggering 11 wins. This impressive accomplishment further solidified their status as a top-tier cannabis seed company and demonstrated their consistency in producing high-quality, innovative strains.

One of their notable award-winning strains is the Kimbo Kush. This potent, heavy-hitting strain is a cross between Blackberry Kush and Starfighter. Kimbo Kush, named after the late Kimbo Slice, has a rich aroma of sweet berries mixed with earthy and piney undertones. The strain’s potency and unique flavor profile earned it first place in the 2015 High Times Medical Cannabis Cup for Best Indica Concentrate.

The Rainbow Chip strain, another jewel from Exotic Genetix, also boasts its fair share of accolades. This strain combines the flavorful profiles of Sunset Sherbet and Mint Chocolate Chip. The resulting cannabis strain is known for its dessert-like aroma, intense euphoria, and relaxation effects, which helped it secure its place as a winner in multiple categories in recent cannabis cups.

These are just a few awards that Exotic Genetix has earned over the years. Their extensive list of accolades is a testament to their commitment to innovation, quality, and excellence in cannabis breeding. The continued recognition by the industry and the community further underscores Exotic Genetix’s position as a pioneering force in cannabis genetics.

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Event Horizon Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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