Greenpoint Seeds
Catalina Wine Mixer

Catalina Wine Mixer

gezüchtet von Greenpoint Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Catalina Wine Mixer ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±65 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Greenpoint Seeds' Catalina Wine Mixer ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Greenpoint Seeds' Catalina Wine Mixer Beschreibung

Greenpoint Seeds Catalina Wine Mixer Catalina Wine Mixer is a loose reference to the Step Brothers film (and the subsequent themed yearly festival called the “Catalina Wine Mixer“). It is also the product of the illustrious Sunset Sherbet and highly unique Purple Punch. The effects lead to an unexpected stream of creativity, relief from ongoing body aches, and an overdue rest. Flowering is around eight weeks with closely-clustered buts and an unavoidable fruity aroma.

It’s The F*cking Catalina Wine Mixer – Step Brothers (2008) – All Rights Reserved

GSC & Pink Panties
Hailing from the San Francisco Bay Area thanks to “Mr. Sherbinski,” Sunset Sherbet is a much loved and potent versatile cultivar. Its parents are the reputable Girl Scout Cookies and Pink Panties. This cross leads to exceptional effects for the body and mind. If you’re looking for a mood boost along with incredible creative energy surging in your head.

Flowering can take 7-9 weeks with a robust yield of 1-3 ounces per square feet, though its growth difficulty varies from moderate toward hard. So this is recommended for more skilled growers, though you can take the challenge of growing it no matter your experience. With success, Sunset Sherbet offers plenty in the realm of looks with cola that are small yet dense, vibrant clusters with the possibility of purple to make it stand out all the more. Especially against its bright orange stigmas. It’s quite resinous, as noted by its plethora of crystalline trichomes. And so is Catalina Wine Mixer!

Sunset Sherbert offers a lot for effects, successfully melting away stress, low moods, long-standing aches, and discomfort. Expect a strong wave of euphoria and creativity, thanks to an aromatic team of terpenes. Most notable are caryophyllene, limonene, and humulene. This combination of terpenes explains the fruity flavor, as well as the hints of honey that taper off with an earthy aftertaste.

Bigger Than Prestige Worldwide!
Prestige Worldwide – Boats N’ Hoes – Step Brothers (2008) – All Rights Reserved

Sticky Trichomes
Hailing from parents Granddaddy Purple and Larry OG, Purple Punch is an indica-dominant strain that really packs a punch. Both parents are notorious for their powerful reputation, and their child — a strong and eager contender — holds its place alongside them in the ring.

The bag appeal of Purple Punch is immediately apparent. First, you’ll notice its thick coat of sticky trichomes throughout the entire neon-green. However, it is the flowers sweet perfume that is the most breathtaking. Bursts of sweet berry fill the room immediately, giving only a hint of what’s to come.

The effects of Purple Punch come on quickly. Therefore, we recommend paced consumption lest users become blind-sided by the experience. Users often witness a head-change first followed by a slow, calm washing over the body. As such, this strain is an excellent choice as an evening nightcap for a relaxing evening at home.

This strain is recommended for experienced growers though novices can also be successful in indoor growing environments.

Premium Collectors Pack
PREMIUM COLLECTORS PACK – Crush-proof containers and tamper proof heat-sealed pouches ensure your genetics are 100% genuine and secure for their long journey.

Cannabis Type: Indica 60% Sativa 40%
Flowering Length: 58-70 Days
Finishing Height: Medium Tall -Tall
Recommended Growing Area: Indoor or Outdoor
Lineage: Pink Panties, Girl Scout Cookies, Grandaddy Purple, Larry OG
Flavor: Fruity, Grape, Sour, Vanilla
Aroma: Creme Brulee, Tropical

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Catalina Wine Mixer Galerie

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Catalina Wine Mixer Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Catalina Wine Mixer Stammbaum-Karte

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Catalina Wine Mixer Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Boatz N' Hoez
Catalina Wine Mixer x Pebbles Punch #5

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