

gezüchtet von Kannabia Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Aphrodita ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±56 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Kannabias Aphrodita ist THC dominant und ist/war auch als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Kannabias Aphrodita Beschreibung

Kannabia Seeds Aphrodita One of the most popular genetic straits among Spanish growers is Jack Herer. Its results outdoors are legendary. With genetics from a highly experienced grower (who began back in the Seventies and is still growing today, exclusively with his own crosses), the clones we were given were a cross between Jack Herer and a male Morocco-sourced sativa plant that was good for producing hash and had a characteristic fresh-lemon flavour. After improving it with endogamous crosses, we achieved a high-yield Jack Herer with two dominant phenotypes: indica (fast-growing) for indoors and sativa (but early flowering) that is ideal for outdoors.

It had the psychedelic effects that are characteristic of sativa varieties. In this case we used the reversed pollen from this variety to pollinate one of our champion indica mother plants, and the results were incredible. A hybrid with structure, flavour and sativa effects, but with the extra yield and faster flowering times of an indica. The resulting plant had an excellent calyx-to-leaf ratio and from the first few weeks of flowering becomes covered in a thick coat of resin. The smell given off by the stems when rubbed is particularly striking. The leaves are average sized, narrow, fairly serrated and a colour that tends towards a dark lime-green colour, a good indicator that it is not being fertilised adequately.

A lush-growing plant, it is advisable to let it have a 12-to-15-day vegetative cycle. The roots struggle to break out of the plant pot, forming a thick root network. Be careful not to allow too long a vegetative cycle, though, or it could get out of hand. It has the typical sativa structure, with a large central tail from which numerous side branches sprout to run parallel with the central one for much of the flowering period. The stems are very robust from first growth. No problems with mould or other fungi have been found, nor any problems worthy of note with spiders, thrips or greenfly. Outdoors the plant will grow no taller than 2 m, although this is made up for with its outward growth, which can cover several square metres. By topping you can achieve a large number of strong branches and hundreds of cuttings. You can increase the EC gradually, week by week, because the plant withstands high EC levels well, turning them into compact flowers.

You will achieve abundant harvests with a high THC concentration and surprisingly hard buds. Make sure you cure Afrodita well to bring out its incense and pine flavours. This plant adapts easily to all sorts of different climates in Spain and Portugal, proving itself in different outdoor conditions with vigorous growth and resin development. It produces a rich hash when extracted with ice. Outdoors it will be ready for harvested outdoors by the third week in September or by the first week in October for the more sativa-rich phenotype. Indoors it will be ready in eight weeks, although if you give it nine, the results will be extraordinary.

SeedFinder note:
Strain renewed around 2010/2011! Before it was described by Kannabia as a hybrid with a hawaiian sativa: "Afrodite is a beautiful hybrid of Jack Flash and Hawaiian Sativa. The buds smell of the old school Skunk Sativa - totally pungent with huge colas."

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Aphrodita Sortensteckbriefe

Wir haben Rezensionen / Steckbriefe von einem Gärtner zu Aphrodita gesammelt.

Gesamteindruck Indoor

Blütezeit Indoor
50 - 60 Tage (±55 Tage)
Ernte-Menge Indoor
Der Ertrag dieser Sorte ist etwas unterdurchschnittlich
Gesamteindruck Indoor
Aphrodita ist alles in allem etwas unterdurchschnittlich
User Bewertung
Aphrodita kommt im Durchschnitt auf 4.00 von 10 möglichen Punkten!

Bekannte Phänotypen:

  1. kleiner, kompakter, schnell blühender, indica-lastiger Phänotyp #1

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Aphrodita Galerie

Hier siehst Du die neuesten, von unseren Benutzern hochgeladenen Aphrodita Fotos. Insgesamt haben wir 3 Bilder von Kannabias Aphrodita gesammelt, check doch mal hier unsere Aphrodita Galerie aus, um sie Dir alle anzusehen.

Aphrodita Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Aphrodita Stammbaum-Karte

Zeige alle Eltern der Sorte Aphrodita in unserer dynamischen Karte

Aphrodita Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Kommentare zu Aphrodita

Alles in Allem haben wir 1 Benutzerkommentar über Kannabias Aphrodita zusammengetragen. Hier findest du 1en User-Kommentar auf deutsch:

- 27.04.2012

Kommentar ist mit Aphrodita Steckbrief verknüpft!

Meine Bewertung bezieht sich auf die "alte" Afrodite, JackFlashxHawaii,

wenn man sich mit Kannabias korrekten Offenlegung der Genetik

überhaupt sicher sein kann.

Von 5 fem Samen hat nur einer gekeimt. Sehr dünnästige, schwache

Pflanze, die aber recht gut für einen SOG geeignet ist.

Feste Blüte. Geschmacklich ist sie wirklich überragend. Von der Wirkung her

auch gut. Wär also kein Wunder, wenn die Nachfolgesorte besser ist.

...melde diesen Kommentar

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