Elev8 Seeds
Twice Baked Runtz

Twice Baked Runtz

gezüchtet von Elev8 Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Twice Baked Runtz ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Elev8 Seeds' Twice Baked Runtz ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Elev8 Seeds' Twice Baked Runtz Beschreibung

Elev8 Seeds Twice Baked Runtz Twice Baked Runtz by Elev8 Seeds, a genetics that combines Runtz and Biscotti characteristics, two of the most representative strains of the US market. These two varieties offer amazing flavours and aromas with extremely compact buds full of resin, a potent effect, a great performance and bright colours.

Twice Baked Runtz ancestors
On the one hand the father, Runtz, an elite cutting. This is a variety full of charisma very appreciated by all cultivators’ fans of fruity strains with a powerful effect and an excellent resin load. It is undoubtedly the caviar of today's cannabis strains. This highly sought after plant is the heir to the cross between Gelato33 and Zkittlez, which makes it easy to understand Runtz's truly great potential. It offers a tropical citric fruity flavour along with sour berries and a pineapple aftertaste, accompanied by THC levels of 29%.

On the other hand the mother, Biscotti, a cross between Gelato #25 x Girl Scout Cookies x Florida OG. It is also another US genetics which has raised an international furore thanks to its impressive characteristics. This elite cutting offers a powerful aroma and flavour of gas with funk notes, accompanied by an outstanding yield of extra resinous compact and greasy buds that linger on the palate for a long while.

Twice Baked Runtz cultivation
Twice Baked Runtz presents a vigorous growth. It adapts to all types of cultivation systems, both in a indoor grow tent and in conventional outdoor soil cultivation or hydroponic systems. It responds well to pruning and trellising and is a great for topping in SCROG, as well as in SOG with a large number of plants sown per m2.

Twice Baked Runtz has a flowering period of about 9 weeks, producing buds like rocks, very resinous and with green and purple colours that provide a very attractive appearance. It offers a high yield of about 500-600g per m2 when cultivated indoors under HPS or CMH lighting. Cultivated outdoors and provided with optimal conditions, one can expect large plants with a yield that can exceed even 800g per plant.

It offers quality aromas and flavours in a mixture of gas with tropical citric fruits with a high terpene content. Aromas and flavours that are strongly impregnated in the taste buds as if it were a delicious dessert.

Twice Baked Runtz produces a powerful effect, with a good euphoria dose accompanied by a powerful psychedelic trip and a relaxing undertone. It is certainly an excellent choice for Indica Sativa lovers to consume at the end of the day.

Elev8 Seeds Twice Baked Runtz info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: Runtz x Biscotti
Indica Sativa hybrid
Indoor flowering: 9 weeks
Outdoor harvest: Early October
Indoor yield: 500-600g per m2
Outdoor yield: 〉800g per plant
THC: High

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