Delta 9 Labs
The Merkabah

The Merkabah

gezüchtet von Delta 9 Labs

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Infos vom Züchter

The Merkabah ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) angebaut werden. Delta 9 Labs' The Merkabah ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Delta 9 Labs' The Merkabah Beschreibung

Delta 9 Labs The Merkabah The Merkabah is one of the two newest strains from Delta-9 Labs that has been in development for the past 2 years and is well deserving of it's name due to the tremendous risks that the strain went through coming during fruition. It is derived from an original "best of the best" San Fernando Valley(SFV) OG Kush cuts crossed into a pure landrace Afghani male directly from Kandahar, Afghnaistan. It is quite stable so the phenotypes will have much uniformity. Due to the pure Afghani, the appearance is very impressive over a typical OG as that the yield is more than 60% what you would expect. The plant remains short and with a flowering time that is very fast for a mostly Sativa dominant variety which makes it appealing for growers wanting to switch from an Indica based strain to Sativa without compromising their schedules.

The Merkabah which remains short to average in height will create multiple side brances from the base of the main stem quite early in the vegetative stage, therefore creating the multiple branches and buds sites required for higher yields. The taste is quite hard to describe as it also seems to be a cross in itself! a little like a sour taste of mixed fruits and herbs. The combined fragrances of the sandalwood scents of SE Asian strains along with oily/sweaty scents of the original OG Kush.

The bud structure tends to shift towards the lighter green side of the color spectrum while having a texture that is velvety in feel. Breaking up a bud seems to stay together rather than crumble as it rolls through your fingers. The high comes on very fast as if you were smoking a stronger hash instead. The high stays creatively motivating and stimulating but remains uplifting for the period of the high without coming down fast or with having any so called creeper effects, which makes it a very reliable high to anticipate. Great for first time smokers! Depending on ones tolerance, the high can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours on what our colleague David calls .3, meaning a 1/3 of a gram pre-weighed and then smoked through a multi-filtered water pipe. The high is clearly motivating and stimulating allowing one to "Wake & Motivate" as Delta-9 Labs has coined the term. A great strain to start your day off with and keep you motivated and alert. With the few studies we have had the time to test out this strain, mild headaches appear to be repressed perhaps allowing this starin to be offered to the medical community in need. The Merkabah is a strain preferred in the morning and afternoon during a busy schedule as it allows you to feel the effects of a Sativa dominant variety. Being a bona-fide medical patient and breeder I look for attributes to alleviate pain due to several automobile accidents. Anti-inflammatory properties are paramount in our studies and this strain helps with the morning headaches and tea time.

Height: 0.75-1.50 meters
Yield: 400-500 grams per square meter
Flowering time in days: 63 days
Genetics: SFV-OG Kush x Afghani Kandahar Landrace
Mother: San Fernando Valley O.G. Kush
Father: Kandahar Province Afghanistan
Ratio: Sativa 90% / Indica 10%

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The Merkabah Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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