Flower Bounty Farms
Sunset Bottoms

Sunset Bottoms

gezüchtet von Flower Bounty Farms

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Infos vom Züchter

Sunset Bottoms ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±75 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Flower Bounty Farms' Sunset Bottoms ist eine CBD-Sorte mit mehr CBD als THC und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Flower Bounty Farms' Sunset Bottoms Beschreibung

This wondrous combination was created when I allowed a boy to sneak past the perimeter in the farming garden located near the Appalachian mountains in Northern Virginia. I allowed this boy to grow big and strong and show off his prowess. His beautiful flowers attracted many bumble bees all throughout the flowering season. While this initially was an accident, a true stud was found. Pollen has been collected from “The Stud” for future projects. The mother of these seeds was the absolute yellow, frostiest colas and leaves in the field.

Hoku’s details about Circles F2: (La Crema x La Crema) - Circles is part of our La Crema f2 project. Although still La Crema, we think this version will run circles around the original. La Crema CBG is a heavy yielding Indica dominant hash plant with a very distinct orange juice terpene profile that hits both sour and citrus notes. She can hit upwards of 19% CBG and tests are compliant even at harvest. To create Circles, we selected one of the rare true males found in a large feminized seed run and used him to pollinate our best La Crema mom. Expect heavy yields of highly dense flowers coated in white trichomes that finish early outdoors.

Badger’s details about Raspberry Sunset: (Sunset Sherbert X Raspberry Jelly)- Sunset Sherbert: This strain gets its genetics from Pink Panties and GSC. (85% indica/15% sativa) Sunset Sherbet smells of honey dipped skunk and when it’s burned, it tastes like peach yogurt with honey drizzled over the top. Raspberry Jelly (Raspberry Smash X Raspberry Smash f2) - Sativa/Indica 20/80. Harvest window 57-64 Days. Medium Producer. Good for use as a sleep aid.

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Sunset Bottoms Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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