Silent Seeds
Starfire OG

Starfire OG

gezüchtet von Silent Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Starfire OG ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±56 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Silent Seeds' Starfire OG ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Silent Seeds' Starfire OG Beschreibung

Silent Seeds Starfire OG Starfire OG is an Indica dominant hybrid. A broad-leafed plant with a typical OG Kush development that produces tall and slender plants with well-spaced internodes and numerous secondary branches. These can be quite thin compared to 100% Indica strains that grow in a fir tree shape. This feature has the benefit of light passing through the foliage and reach all parts of the plant that could potentially produce highly concentrated Pinene flowers.

Silent Seeds advises not to exceed a 3-week vegetative period indoors as the plants can grow very tall.

Outdoors, under favourable weather conditions, it can grow into large and productive trees of up to 2-3 metres, especially when cultivated early enough in the season. It offers a yield of about 1300-1500g per plant, with the harvest ready in mid-to-late September. Its productivity combined with its impressive dark green leaves and elongated branches may require the use of support stakes. The tutors should be placed from mid-flowering onwards or even earlier in anticipation of strong winds to hold the heavy flowers, thus preventing branches from breaking off. The plant does not require large amounts of fertiliser, a moderate nutrition is sufficient, as it is sensitive to over-feeding.

Starfire OG Cannabis Strain, high production of very resinous, dense and fragrant buds
This variety can yield up to 600-650g per m2 of dense, golf ball shaped buds with an impressive resin layer. The harvest is ready after about 8-9 weeks of flowering.

The typical OG Kush scent is unmistakable as it offers a strong gassy aroma and flavour combined with strong fresh lemon notes and a nice floral touch, providing a refreshing effect.

It offers a very high potency with a THC level of between 24-28% and a CBD concentration below 2%. The effect is initially uplifting followed by a very relaxing physical experience that makes one feel good.

Silent Seeds Starfire OG info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: Starfire OG x The White
Indica dominant
Indoor flowering: 8 weeks
Outdoor harvest: Late September
Indoor yield: Very high
Outdoor yield: Very high
THC: Very high

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Starfire OG Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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