Aficionado French Connection
Spyrock Special Hash Plant

Spyrock Special Hash Plant

gezüchtet von Aficionado French Connection

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Infos vom Züchter

Spyrock Special Hash Plant ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Aficionado French Connections Spyrock Special Hash Plant ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Aficionado French Connections Spyrock Special Hash Plant Beschreibung

Aficionado French Connection Spyrock Special Hash Plant This Indica variety combines an exceptional Chemdawg selected by Leo Stone, one of Aficionado French Connection’s founders, with a Hashish plant. The result is an easy to grow plant with abundant resin production.

Spyrock Special Hash Plant, high resin production and abundant yields

Spyrock Special Hash Plant grows like an Indica plant, producing long leaves and acquiring a pine tree shape. It has a moderate stretch and it is recommended to prune or pinch out the apical tip in the growing period to encourage the development of secondary branches, producing a small bushy plant and delivering a more abundant harvest.

Spyrock Special Hash Plant produces long and fleshy buds that are quickly covered with a thick layer of resin during flowering, giving it a striking shiny appearance. This variety is very resistant to the different cultivation stresses that may arise. It produces abundant yields with the harvest being ready after about 65 days of flowering in indoor gardening and at the end of October for outdoor cultivation.

Spyrock Special Hash Plant, feel the mouthwatering flavour
Spyrock Spécial Hash Plant by Aficionado French Connection produces heaps of resin with chemical-type aromas and flavours giving intense diesel and petrol notes. Its consumption produces a heavy and thick smoke providing a very satisfying feeling. Both in cultivation and consumption, it is a not a very discreet smelling variety, making it advisable to use an activated carbon filter in your indoor grow tent.

It delivers a physical effect typical of the powerful Indicas. Spyrock Special Hash Plant offers a deep relaxation of the body and mind, ideal for disconnecting and unwinding after a difficult day. It is also perfect for stimulating the appetite.

Spyrock Special Hash Plant has been specially developed to produce cannabis extractions due to its high resin production, offering excellent yields whether for hashish, BHO or Rosin.

Aficionado French Connection's Spyrock Special Hash Plant info:

Type: Regular cannabis seeds
Genetics: Chemdawg Special Reserve x Spyrock Hashplant
Indica dominant hybrid
Indoors flowering: 8-9 weeks
Outdoors harvest: half of October
Yield: High
Flavour and aroma: Diesel, petrol
THC: High

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Spyrock Special Hash Plant Galerie

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Spyrock Special Hash Plant Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Spyrock Special Hash Plant Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Rock Island Rocket
Spyrock Special Hash Plant x {Rock Bud x Island}

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