Purple Ghost Candy

Purple Ghost Candy

gezüchtet von Seedsman

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Infos vom Züchter

Purple Ghost Candy ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±68 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Seedsmans Purple Ghost Candy ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Seedsmans Purple Ghost Candy Beschreibung

Seedsman Purple Ghost Candy Purple Ghost Candy is an easy-to-grow Sativa dominant hybrid. It develops very vigorous and bulky plants. It adapts well to any kind of cultivation, with a very interesting yields and a high resin production.

Purple Ghost Candy, it has it all!
Purple Ghost Candy is a cross between Ghost OG and Candyland Purple, one of the best Purple Cannabis clones recently released. The encounter between these two genetics results in a 60/40 Sativa Indica plant that develops a fairly large size. It is particularly suitable for beginners because it is easy to grow and offers a particularly abundant harvest.

It offers excellent results indoors as well as outdoors where it can reach up to 250-300cm depending on the growing conditions and the phenotypes obtained. It is ready to harvest outdoors during the second half of October in the northern hemisphere. Indoors, it takes about 65-70 days after the photoperiod change to be ready to harvest.

It is advisable to use a mesh or stakes to hold the secondary branches given the plant's size. Indoors, do not let this plant have too long a growing period to control its size, unless you have a large indoor growing space. It is also great for SCROG cultivation, responding very well to any kind of manipulation to improve the already bountiful harvest.

During flowering, the resin comes very quickly. In a few weeks the first trichomes emerge and develop abundantly. The amount produced by the end of flowering is very high, which makes it an excellent variety for resin extraction lovers. The buds are sticky and particularly voluminous.

Purple Ghost Candy, a champion
It has a complex and particularly enticing terpenes profile, offering buds with an incredible aroma. A terpenes blend noticeable in all the extractions performed. Purple Ghost Candy offers a typical petrol aroma commonly found in OG plants, even though the result is highlighted with spicy and earthy tones accompanied by lemon and fruity notes.

Cannabinoids concentration is high at mostly THC, with a level of 15-20% depending on phenotypes and growing conditions. The CBD content is particularly low at concentrations of no more than 1%. The effects are mainly physical with a cerebral stimulating high, ideal for relaxing and having a good time.

All of Seedsman Purple Ghost Candy's characteristics make it an excellent candidate to compete in cannabis contests, either for flowers or for extractions with or without solvent.

Seedsman Purple Ghost Candy info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seeds
Genetics: Ghost OG x Candyland Purple
Sativa dominant hybrid
Indoor flowering: 65-70 days
Outdoor harvest: Mid-October
Indoor yield: 500-600g per m2
Outdoor yield: 700-900g per plant
Outdoor size: 250-300cm
THC: 15-20%
CBD: 〈1%

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