Pepita Malaya

Pepita Malaya

gezüchtet von Nirvana Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Pepita Malaya ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Nirvanas Pepita Malaya ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Nirvanas Pepita Malaya Beschreibung

Nirvana Seeds Pepita Malaya We present Pepita Mayala Feminized, a large yielding hybrid that has a long lasting calming effect with a THC level of 20%. She has a sweet aroma and complex terpene profile with an explosive flower formation.

Genetics: By crossing Ed Rosenthal super bud with L.A, we were able to create a hybrid that grows with a compact structure with a tall appearance. Her bud structure is very dense and compact making her a very generous yielding cultivar. A flowering time of upto 10 can be expected depending on phenotype.

Strain Characteristics: Thanks to her sativa influence, growers can expect Pepita Mayala Feminized to grow with a bushy nature with long side branching early in the vegetative stage. It is recommended to train her, or grow her in SCROG, to maintain plant height and maximise yields further.

Flowering will take upto 10 weeks where this lady will grow as tall as 150cm-200cm. Her growth structure will reflect her sativa dominance as she grows thick, elongated buds that fill out every site on the branches. This girl has an incredible resin profile which makes her stand out in the garden, with dense, stacked buds oozing trichomes. Yields of 550 - 650 g/m² can be expected with THC testing at 20%. We advise using bamboo cane or adding some type of support to hold the branches up due to the excessive weight of this hybrid.

Experiencing this strain: Pepita Mayala Feminized is a deeply relaxing strain that gives the user feelings of complete relaxation and tranquility. The effects are long lasting and are well suited for morning and day time use with no feelings of tiredness. Thanks to her fine mix of indica and sativa, this lady is also an excellent choice for smokers who enjoy a well balanced. Well recommended for social scenarios, busy individuals and for the first smoke of the morning.

Her flavours are strong, bold and powerful with a floral sweetness on the exhale. A mixture of savory and sweet with an added funk. Medical patience may find this strain useful for relieving feelings of anxiety, depression, nausea and sickness, relieving insomnia and improving feelings of well being.

What makes this strain so great: A fantastic cross that uses some of the best genetics from our stable. Big fat buds, with monster yields make this a highly desirable strain for commercial growers and extract artists looking for something new.

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Pepita Malaya Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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