Original Glue

Original Glue (Nirvana Seeds) :: Sorten-Steckbrief :: Outdoor

Steckbrief für Original Glue (von Nirvana Seeds)

Dieser Steckbrief wurde am 25.01.2020 von angelegt und ist eine Einzelmeinung.

Informationen zum Wachstum der Pflanzen:

Das Wetter im Anbaugebiet:

Cannabis-Pflanzen können in diesem Gebiet ungefähr von Mai bis Oktober kultiviert werden. Die Pflanzen werden circa Juli mit der Blütephase beginnen, wenn die Tage langsam aber sicher kürzer werden.

Jan Feb Mar Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Temp. kalt kalt kalt kalt warm warm warm warm warm warm kalt kalt
Nied. humid humid humid humid humid arid arid arid humid humid humid humid
Sonne 9.3 10.5 11.9 13.5 14.9 15.5 15.1 13.9 12.3 10.7 9.5 8.9
Phase x x x x Wuchs Wuchs Blüte Blüte Blüte Blüte x x
Erntezeit Outdoor
Ende Oktober +/- 2 Wochen in CmShβ Klimazonen auf der Nordhalbkugel.
Klimazonen nach der SeedFinder Klassifikation mit aktuellen Daten von 1986 bis 2009.
extrem viele; sehr lang sowie sehr stark und kräftig.
Die Pflanzen dieser Sorte...
...benötigen nicht viel Pflege.
...sind tolerant bei Über- oder Unterdüngung.
...haben keine Probleme mit niedrigen Temperaturen.
...haben keine Probleme mit hohen Temperaturen.
...benötigen viel Raum nach oben.
...sind eine gute Wahl für Anfänger.
...sind eine gute Wahl für den kommerziellen Anbau.

Ernte, Ertrag, Geschmack, Geruch, Stärke und Wirkungsweise

Der Ertrag dieser Sorte ist hoch.
Das Verhältnis von Blüten zu Blättern ist etwas überdurchschnittlich.
Die getrockneten Buds sind durchschnittlich fest.
Stärke / Wirkungsdauer
Das Grass ist sehr stark und wirkt langanhaltend.
Toleranz beim Rauchen
schnelle bis durchschnittliche Toleranzbildung.


Original Glue (Nirvana Seeds)

ist alles in allem extrem gut und wirklich empfehlenswert
(Im Schnitt 9 Punkte auf einer Skala zwischen 0 und 10 !)

Weitere Informationen

hedgeraider meint

Big strong plants, a lot of THC, late flower, average smoke. Coming off 20 years amateur and 7 years major-commando experience, I had these all up 7-8 feet high in perfect settings in a warm 45 south lattitude. Still, they flowered a full month later than desired, resulting in 60% yield for a plant of their given huge size. The tallest one was 2m40 after topping in august, she had lots of side branches so I left her go high, I put her out in april at 30cm. 5 seeds total. Agressive sidebranching from sapling stage, one individual naturally had three main stalks. There was a lot of evidence of mutant curling and half bleached leaves on 2 of the plants, denoting a true GG4 genetics, one of them was totally curly and bleached on 30% of it's leaves only on one side of the plant, it became stunted by it's mutations, and had the most crystals. The flowering was very late, only just finishing in early November. Because the buds barely grew in September, i though they would fail completely, but I had about 300 grams from each 7' plant. They would have yielded 500g of bigger buds if the flowered preflowered in August. The stems were 4-5CM at the base. The crystals were also too late. Major crystal weight was lessened by October completion, they were the strongest plants I have ever grown, slightly more than Blue Dream from the same company, which was almost indistinguishably huge but a bit earlier. Original Glue's buds were 20% harvested in early October, 60% harvested late October, and 20% in early November. only 50 percent of the buds were bigger than a thumb. All the buds harvest were VERY strong outdoor bud, fully crystalled up, medium-low density, quite fluffy. This plant grows FAST with HUGE green leaves and chlorophyll buds. The cured bud was very full of chlorophyll, not yellow or indoor-quality (some rare outdoor plants are light green and can give lab results). The resulting weed was STRONG, dark, fluffy, grassy, zero fragrance (cured at 20'C for 15 days straight to 61% humidity). Aroma is grassy and crappy, like most guerilla weed. visual bud appeal is average-low unless viewed in sunlight to see the sparkling effect. Blue dream from the same company was 2-3 weeks earlier and equally big and almost exactly as potent. Conclusion: very strong buds. Average low nutrient requirement. Huge plants. Very bland strong buds. Good yield but not amazing. too dark and hay-effect outdoors. too much chlorophyll. Not yellow-indoor-style enough. Stinky plant with no cured perfume retained by buds. causes tolerance issues (i am told, I don't smoke every single day). Very good choice if you have the space for them and the dry warm autumn. There are better varieties, anything with 20% THC which is huge and early is the same/better result. Easy for beginners. Surprisingly good mold resistance. (25.01.2020 um 20:48 Uhr)