Barneys Farm
OG Kush Auto

OG Kush Auto

gezüchtet von Barneys Farm

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Infos vom Züchter

OG Kush Auto ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±67 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Barneys Farms OG Kush Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Barneys Farms OG Kush Auto Beschreibung

Barneys Farm OG Kush Auto OG Kush contains an 80/20 Indica Sativa genetics. It is a plant that grows up to 90-110cm, with a staggering yield of up to 500g per m2 indoors. Outdoors it can grow up to 90-120cm, offering a yield of 200-300g per plant. This variety is a popular choice for growers of all levels due to its great characteristics, abundant yields and easy of cultivation.
OG Kush Autoflowering by Barney's Farm, cultivation

OG Kush Auto, in terms of plant structure, is compact and well ramified, making it easy to manage in cultivation. The plant presents a typical Indica structure, with wide, dark leaves and a shrubby and robust appearance. It is an auto-flowering strain, so it does not need a change in photoperiod to start flowering. This makes it an excellent choice for growers looking for quick and easy harvests.

OG Kush Auto, indoors, presents a flowering period of about 75 days, with a yield of up to 500g per m2. Outdoors, it can be grown all year round, but the spring and summer season is recommended for best results. Outdoors, it delivers a yield of up to 200-300g per plant. The plant is resistant tocommon cannabis pests and diseases, making it relatively easy to grow.
OG Kush Auto Strain, flavours, and effects

OG Kush Auto is a true strain with an earthy, piney aroma and unique flavour profile. When smoked, it produces a euphoric and creatively uplifting high on a mental level, while being calming and relaxing on a physical level. With a THC content of 20-24%, it is ideal for those looking for a long-lasting and potent effect.
Barney's Farm OG Kush Auto info:

Genetics: OG Kush x BF Super Auto #1
Type: Automatic cannabis seeds
Genotype: 70/30 Sativa Indica
Indoor cycle: 65-70 days
Indoor yield: High (500-550g per m2)
Outdoor yield: High (180-250g per plant)
THC content: High

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OG Kush Auto Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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