Nirang Valley

Nirang Valley

gezüchtet von Indian Landrace Exchange

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Infos vom Züchter

Nirang Valley ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±84 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. I.L.E.s Nirang Valley ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

I.L.E.s Nirang Valley Beschreibung

Indian Landrace Exchange Nirang Valley Nirang, a quite, Humdrum village situated tantalizingly close to the Malana Village, sits exactly on the opposite Mountain & offers a relatively peaceful experience which is getting harder to find nowadays as Malana and Parvati valley remains overwhelmed 12 months with tourists from all over the India and even Abroad

Nirang is a small makeshift village like setting with some guest houses on the way upto the Village and fewer houses belonging to indigenous people of Malana who also have cannabis farms on this particular mountain slope

Nirang Village is situated on the mountain slope facing the Malana Village to it’s East, the sun rises from behind the Mountain slope and Sunshine during the day in Nirang Village comes around 9- 10.00 am, due to the slope being very acute. However, the mountain slope does receive ample amounts of the red spectra of light since, the sunsets exactly in front of the Village. On the other hand the opposite mountain on which Malana village is perched gets the first sunshine which gradually cascades down the slope as the sun moves up higher in the sky to brighten up the entire valley.

The Village is almost entirely engulfed by the cannabis plantations at the height of the flowering season and cannabis is in the air like perfume everywhere. The plants grow very similar to all the other domesticated cannabis varieties from the subtropical highlands in the North Western Himalayas, tall christmas tree like structure with a bare stalk and appreciable side branching. The flowering term is also quite the same as the
others and the plants finish around 11-13 weeks with intoxicating smells of hash, berries, floral perfume and incense.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Nirang Valley Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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