Landrace Team


gezüchtet von The Landrace Team

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Infos vom Züchter

Mondulkiri ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±105 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Landrace Teams Mondulkiri ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Landrace Teams Mondulkiri Beschreibung

The Landrace Team Mondulkiri Genetics: Mondulkiri (Eastern Cambodia)
Latitude: 12°N
Altitude: 800 – 1500 m.a.s.l. (2600 – 5000 feet)
Height: 180 cm to 3 metres
Veg: 12 -14 weeks outdoor
Flowering: 14 -16 weeks outdoor
Aromas: passion fruit,strawberries,raspberries,chocolate,cape gooseberries,acrid,tangerine,guava,tart,tangy,tropical
Taste: rich, fruity, fragrant
Effects: highly potent,psychedelic,highly euphoric,energetic,creative,long-lasting,electric,tingly,loveliness
Yield: abundant
Phenotypes: 5
Characteristics: vigorous and fast growth. Reddish brown colours
Grow type: outdoors, greenhouse, indoors

Sativa that brings together the top in The Landrace Team stable. It is perfect in everything: resin production, high flower production, very fragrant with pleasant and intense aromas of strawberries, raspberries, chocolate, cape gooseberries and very sweet and acrid smells. This is a treasure of fragrances.

It grows vigorously from its first stages of life and as days go by it grows faster, after having established a good root system. The internodal spaces are medium, the stems are fragrant and acrid to the touch, the leaves are large, medium width, it reaches a minimum height of 180 cm and up to 3 metres.

In optimal conditions, the vegetative stage goes from 12 to 14 weeks. We’ve seen 5 phenotypes. Flowering goes from a maximum of 14 to 16 weeks, during which the plants form beautiful producing colas full of abundant white stigmas that make it look like cotton flakes in its early stages of flowering. Then these stigmas in their mature stage of the flowering process take on very beautiful brown, reddish and tobacco colours. The resin is abundant and the fruity aromas of raspberries, strawberries, cape gooseberries and chocolates are very pleasant to say the least. They are perfect for you if you want to get “drunk” when smelling these flowers.

They are wonderful because they are also big producers. In addition, the effect is highly potent and with a rich fruity and fragrant flavour that remains on your palate for quite a while. The effect is highly potent, highly euphoric, energetic, lucid, creative and long-lasting. The plants have been cultivated at various elevations but mainly at 1500 m.a.s.l (5000 feet) growing flawlessly.

Comment from a grower:

The most amazing feature right now is the terps – these flowers are already radiating the most intoxicating and intense passion fruit, tangerine, and guava aromas. The smells are intense, yet delicate, and just so, so, pleasant. Everyone who smells them immediately makes a cooing sound of pleasure 🙂


Mondulkiri is a heavy producer with fairly thick buds, that are medium density – they stay a bit fluffy as they are from a humid/wet environment, so the slightly airy bud structure is needed to avoid mold. The SMELL is insane tropical fruit salad, with strawberries and passion fruit standing out – and as they finish they get a weird laundry dryer sheet thing going on… lots of crystal – expect them to be nice 🙂


Super fun and interesting vibes… marinates your mind in slowly pulsating waves of cosmic plant energy. Ebbing and flowing in fluctuating micro-tides of tingly pleasure sensations tickling your brain. This will totally tweet your woofers and woof your tweeters, man 🙂 Totally enjoying this amazing cannabis from Cambodia. Awesome variety!

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Mondulkiri Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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