Dynasty Seeds
Mochalope V2

Mochalope V2

gezüchtet von Dynasty Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Mochalope V2 ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±56 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) angebaut werden. Dynasty Seeds' Mochalope V2 ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Dynasty Seeds' Mochalope V2 Beschreibung

Dynasty Seeds Mochalope V2 The mother of this strain is an Oregon Afghanai clone that’s been around since the early 80s… Pure Kush in appearance and smell, but the Oregon Afghani has been around well before the “kush” label became predominant in the cannabis scene. High Cbds make this strain very useful for medical users..

The Father is a Chocolope Bx I made by using my Chocolope keeper female combined with E$ko’s Chocolate Rain male which he had made using the Amsterdam coffee shop Chocolope clone and Dj Short’s Cocoa Kush..

Indica/Sativa: Indica Dominant
Lineage: Oregon Afghani x Chocolope Bx (chocolope/chocolate rain); Stabilized Polyhybrid
Bloom Length: 7-9 weeks
Stretch: .5-1
Resin Profile: High resin
Odour Score: 7
Odour Description: Dark Chocolate, sour cream, fruit, kush/hash
Flavour Score: 8
Flavour Description: dark chocolate, coffee, fruit, hash
Potency Score: 8
High Type: mostly body, but some phenos will exhibit a bit more mind high


*** Among the phenos, I’d deem #1 and #2 as the keeperssince #3 is more nutrient sensitive and stretchy.

Pheno #1 (50%) The most common among the genepool andleaning slightly more towards the afghani, this one is a darker plant which resembles bitter/sweet chocolate and coffee in smell/flavor. High cbds and lower thc is also common with this pheno.

Pheno #2 (30%) slightly lighter green in appearance, this pheno is close to 50/50 of both parents. a nice fruity, sour-creamy chocolate smell similar to a chocolate cheesecake is dominant with this pheno.

Pheno #3 (20%) this is the least common and most stretchy pheno of the bunch, but also probably the most sparkly (trichome webs have been spotted in this one).. The leaves tend to claw a little which is a recessive trait that came from the Cocoa Kush in the Chocolate rain… Most nutrient sensitive and stressful of the bunch.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Mochalope V2 Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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