Anesia Seeds
Malawi Gold

Malawi Gold

gezüchtet von Anesia Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Malawi Gold ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±81 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Anesia Seeds' Malawi Gold ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Anesia Seeds' Malawi Gold Beschreibung

Anesia Seeds Malawi Gold Yield: 600-650g/m² • 800-1000g/plant
Genetics: Pure Sativa
Flowering time: 10 – 13 weeks
Outdoor harvest: End of october
suitable for indoors and outdoors
Height: 120-150 cm • 200-350 cm
THC: 20%
Aromas/ flavors: Floral, lemon

Malawi Gold of Anesia comes from Malawi, a country in south-east Africa and is one of the world most psychoactive plants. In its native country it is grown in the north on a 1200m high plateau. In this subtropical region falls for six months, not a single drop of water, from November to April, however, the rainy season determines the climate. During this period, Malawi flourishes golden and has due to the hot and humid climate a extreme mold resistance.
Malawi Gold is the export number 1 in the country. Malawi Gold Seeds of ANESIA is only one generation converted from the original variety and possesses all the properties of the Queen of Africa. Malawi Gold from Anesia Seeds is one of the finest Sativa strains in the world.

Malawi Gold Landraces by ANESIA: The Queen of Africa for Your Garden
This pure sativa can be grown indoors and outdoors and is very easy to cultivate. Malawi Gold has a fruity, flowery smell and taste. The effects of the Malawi Gold strain are extremely psychoactive with a clear high that lasts for several hours. She should be consumed carefully by beginners. It is especially recommended for experienced users that seek extreme heavy sativa effects. The resulting buds are sticky, with visible resin glands and the high hits you fast with a crashing wave of cerebral energy that leaves you laser-focused with a sense of motivation and purpose.

Growing Malawi Gold
In indoor grow-rooms it is a good idea to initiate the flowering phase very soon after one week of vegetativ growing because of the enormous and rapid growth of the plants. Malawi Gold flowers indoors 10-13 weeks and delievers great yields of 600-650g per square meter. Outdoors you can expect 800-1000g per plant. Outdoor harvest is from late october to early november. Use trelli-nets and other methods (LST) to control the plant grow.

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Malawi Gold Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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