Energenetics Old World Farm
Kerala Gold

Kerala Gold

gezüchtet von Energenetics Old World Farm

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Infos vom Züchter

Kerala Gold ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±140 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Energenetics Old World Farms Kerala Gold ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Energenetics Old World Farms Kerala Gold Beschreibung

Energenetics Old World Farm Kerala Gold Kerala Gold is a powerful hybrid created from two legendary Indian landraces. By combining them, we have greatly increased the gene pool along with giving it more vigor. The area that these originate from is very tropical and seated on the west coast of India. The equatorial highland district of Idukki, is Kerala’s most renowned historic centre of ganja cultivation. These landraces have played a crucial role in the creation of modern hybrids such as Haze and White Widow.

They grow massive with many branches coming out of every direction. Even the colas look like miniature plants with long trailing fox tails. They continue to grow seemingly never ending through 18 to 20 weeks of flowering but the long awaited award is well worth it.

When growing, it smells of green mangos with a little citrus. Upon smoking, it has a sweet smooth flavor with a hint of spiciness. The high is very racy and uplifting. You can keep smoking more and getting higher and higher with no ceiling. It can feel like you want to get things accomplished and there is no time to waste. After several hours it then leaves you without a trace of heaviness so you can continue about your day.

This variety is a very long flowering tropical sativa type and is not for beginners. It is best grown outdoors but can be grown indoors with proper training and 14 hours of dark right from the start. As with most landrace varieties, there is a possibility of intersex traits that can express themselves with even the slightest amount of stress. Best grown in an environment similar to their native origin.

We are committed to the preservation of landrace genetics and keeping them diverse through open pollination.
By breeding these two Indian varieties together, we have greatly increased the genetic diversity to preserve this fabulous landrace.

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Kerala Gold Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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