Landrace Team


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Infos vom Züchter

Karen ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±102 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Landrace Teams Karen ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Landrace Teams Karen Beschreibung

The Landrace Team Karen Genetics: Karen Sativa Landrace
Region: Karen Province (Myanmar)
Sourcing: Local grower in Karen province
Latitude: 18 N
Height: 2 – 3,5 metres outdoors (in pots). In the ground they get much taller
Sowing: February-April in Myanmar
Flowering: Starts in October/November and finishes in December/January
Vegetative: 14-16 weeks
Flowering: 12-17 weeks in Myanmar
Harvest: December to February in Myanmar
Aroma: guava,sage,medicinal plants,balsamic,bitter and aromatic,gooseberries,petrol
Flavour: woody,aromatic,fragrant but also bitter and sweet
Effects: soaring head high,motivating,euphoric,very potent,laughter inducing,psychedelic
Yield: high
Phenotypes: 7
Characteristics: resistant to drought,dry soil, air currents

Karen sativa from Myanmar is a wild looking plant with high resistance, vigour, interesting, pleasant and intense aromas of sage, medicinal plants, balsamic aromas, bitter and aromatic flavours. It also carries a fragrance of unripe gooseberries (ribes, R. uva-crispa). These plants are of great values and could be used for the breed of new lines; it easily exceeds 3 metres (10 feet) in height and we have observed 7 phenotypic variables that commonly posses great vigour and aromas, and is highly resistant to air currents, wind and rain, it is highly resistant even when the soil is very dry and little nutrients.

The production is high and the smoke is aromatic, fragrant and woody with a pleasant effect that motivates you, and is very potent and euphoric. The vegetative stage takes from 14 to 16 weeks while the flowering takes minimum 12 weeks for the faster phenotypes u to 17 weeks for the plants that take the longest.This genetic line is very special for us and is classified among the most complicated lines to achieve and the most interesting for the scientific part due to its interesting rare and unique chemotype.

The place of origin of this Sativa variety from Myanmar has a great, very difficult and warlike armed conflict at the time of writing. Entering those areas is almost impossible due to insecurity, yet we took on the task and through years of patience and perseverance and thanks to a collaborator in situ who is in very precarious conditions (away from his family and totally alone) he risked his life and made the seeds available for everyone.

His wish (and ours too) is to make Karen sativa plants known all over the world and we hope to have a great welcome with this genetic line so that we can help the source to have a decent life and be able to eventually have a passport and all the necessary means to leave the country and live in another elsewhere very soon. All proceeds will go directly to the source so as to reach the goal as soon as possible.


I had a spliff with my friends and then we went for a bicycle ride and fell off the bicycles in the rice fields in the dark. My friend shouted in the dark to his friend and the friend replied ” be quiet i am counting the stars”. Locals wait for the 4 months of rainy season to stop. The rainy season starts in June and end in September. Karen have many varieties and all are kept secret.

They plant in April, March then they have to endure the rainy season until October then they start flowering and they are harvested in between February and March (basically a whole year). In Myanmar they have to pass the rainy season (March to October) test. During that time they don’t show sex

Mid October is when they show sex and start flowering and they are harvested the following year starting from February, March and April. So 1 year in total because buds need also to be dried and cured.

Most of the Karen people they cure the buds into the bamboo and then they close with wooden leaves (Kyun leave in our language. In English “Teak”, scientific name Tectona Grandis) into the bamboo hole
After 3-5 months later they are ready to smoke and that’s the best bud quality time.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Karen Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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