Hypno Seeds
Ice Eyes

Ice Eyes

gezüchtet von Hypno Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Ice Eyes ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen, draussen und im Gewächshaus - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±63 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Hypno Seeds' Ice Eyes ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Hypno Seeds' Ice Eyes Beschreibung

Hypno Seeds Ice Eyes Description
Prepare for a third eye-opening experience, like staring into a hypnosis wheel. Our Ice Eyes Auto cannabis strain will take hold of you and stimulate your senses. A delicious, and at the same time evenly-balanced hybrid Gorilla, Girl Scout Cookies and Gelato cross with up to 22% THC is ready for harvest in around 9 weeks from germination. This strain is perfect for those looking for a potent and quick cultivar that’s easy to grow. It provides a hefty harvest of intoxicating buds.

Appearance and Grow Tips
From the moment you plant these autoflowering cannabis seeds, the fantastic grow show begins. During the vegetative state, it will quickly grow tall and bushy, due to its mix of Sativa and Indica genetics. Its branches will stretch, while its central cola will grow long with substantial side branches, reaching around 120 cm (47 in) in height, making it great for applying LST early in growth.

Go light on the feeding in the first few weeks and increase throughout the growth, as this one can get hungry during flower. As a result, Ice Eyes Auto buds will swell and frost up in the last weeks of flowering. Eventually, it will turn your grow space into a winter wonderland. Ice Eyes can produce a whopping 155 grams per plant. Its dense, trichome encrusted buds will be the envy of anyone who has the pleasure to lay their eyes on them.

Flavor and aroma
For fans of strong weed, this one’s for you. Its pungent flavor is accompanied by bittersweet, floral, and at the same time spruce undertones, giving this strain a complex terp profile any cannabis connoisseur will enjoy. The combination of flavors transforms into an incense-like smoke that will help you along on a meditative journey.

Light up, sit back, and enjoy the flight. Let your mind succumb to Ice Eyes stimulating cerebral effects and allow your body to feel the energy. With its high THC content and a moderate level of CBD, some synergy is at work. This strain is, by all means, the perfect accessory for any social gathering. Everyone will want to take part in its consciousness-expanding effects.

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