Clone Only
Fortune Cookies

Fortune Cookies

eine Clone Only Sorte

Hier findest du alle Infos zu die Clone-Only Stecklingssorte Fortune Cookies. Wenn du nach Infos zu die clone-only Sorte Fortune Cookies suchst, hier findest du die Grundinformationen, Abstammung / Genealogie oder Hybriden / Kreuzungen zu dieser Cannabissorte - und viele weitere Infos wenn du den Links folgst - oder durchsuche alle Fortune Cookies Sorten (±3) um eine andere Version von einem anderen Züchter zu finden. Wenn du selber persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Anbau oder Konsum dieser Cannabissorte hast - bitte benutze doch unsere Upload Möglichkeiten um Sie auch Anderen zugänglich zu machen!

Grundlegende Informationen

Fortune Cookies ist eine mostly sativa Sorte, gelistet in unserer Datenbank als eine Stecklings-Sorte und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. .

Was wissen wir über die Cloneonly-Sorte Fortune Cookies?

Clone Only Strains Fortune Cookies Fortune Cookies is an obvious love child of OG Kush, because this flower is uplifting and cerebrally stimulating. A potent and hard hitting plant, it is recommended that you stick to a dosage that suits you, as this hybrid can make you feel couch-locked, despite its energizing sativa effects.

Fortune Cookies is everything that’s sugary sweet and nice, also referred to as “Cookies N Kush” in some circles. This strain is truly a cause of good fortunes, with its deliciously unique blend of all the best cookie flavors, you are guaranteed a high that you won’t soon forget.

This hybrid is more sativa at 70%, which we can thank its parentage for. Fortune Cookies is the direct result of the crossing of two legitimately legendary strains, namely Girl Scout Cookies and popular parent strain OG Kush. With this plant, you are sure to feel inspired and uplifted

Fortune Cookies is a refreshingly uplifting strain, that is very good at making you indulge in consistent bursts of euphoria. This strain creates a solid yet subtle buzz that will make you feel like your tight muscles are unwinding and your mental knots are untangling themselves, making you feel more relaxed.

Many of this strain’s fans prefer it for its ability to make you feel like you’re on a bit of a mental vacation, feeling less weighed down by your standard worries and bothering thoughts. Fortune Cookies can give you a little boost of happy chemicals, making you feel elated and motivated.

Fortune Cookies is especially recommended to those who work in the creative industry, as it can be an inspiring smoke, making you want to venture out to explore your ideas further. If you have the tendency to feel slightly sluggish at one point during the day, then a little smoke of this cookie can bring you back up and add a boost of every to your day.

Fortune Cookies is special in so many ways, not to mention its enticing effects on your senses. A full-bodied, aromatic plant, it will prove to be quite the challenge to try to disguise this flower’s scent, as it is pungent and sweet, with an unmistakable hint of nutty and herbal earthiness.

This strain will play upon your palette too, making your mouth water for more after you have tasted it. Fortune Cookies contains a mix of flavors that are skunky, nutty and sweet like honey. On the exhale especially, you will notice a strong diesel flavor, with hints of citrus and herbal, too.

Adverse Reaction
Fortune Cookies can be quite strong, with its THC levels often clocking in at 24%, so it should come as no surprise that there may be some side effects to be experienced. In most cases, a dry mouth and dry eyes are most prevalent, along with the feeling of being dehydrated.

This strain can also make some users, feel slightly paranoid, especially when they aren’t used to the up and down feeling this hybrid produces. Fortune Cookies can also leave you with a mild dizziness, leaving you to feel a little uncomfortable, maybe even with a slight headache in the end.

Fortune Cookies is used to treat a long list of medical conditions, because it is quite potent and reliable. It is one of the best strains to prescribe to a patient who is struggling to get a grasp on his chronic stress, as it can make you feel relaxed and less troubled without making you feel physically heavy.

Other medicinal uses of this strain include a commendable effectivity when it comes to treating depression. Fortune Cookies is mood-lifting, cheering up even the biggest negative Nancy. Those who are seeking a way to reduce their chronic pains may also find this strain to be very useful.

Fortune Cookies can induce the munchies, making it an ideal choice for cancer patients especially, as they tend to struggle with their appetite levels during or after chemotherapy. This strain can reduce nausea, allowing them to regain their appetite, while elevating their energy levels, ridding them of fatigue.

Fortune Cookies are relatively easy to grow, as they are uncomplicated and need only a regular helping of nutrients to feel cared for. This plant likes a warm and sunny outdoor climate it can stretch in, blossoming happily as long as it doesn’t get exposed to too much rain.

Flowering Time
Fortune Cookies grown indoors can be expected to yield an average of about 14 ounces of bud per harvest. It should take an average of around 8 to 9 weeks to fully flower and be ready to be harvested.

Growing this plant outdoors can result in an average of about 17 ounces of bud per plant. Fortune Cookies should be ready for a harvest around the middle of October.

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Fortune Cookies Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Fortune Cookies Stammbaum-Karte

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Fortune Cookies Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Fortune Cookies probably x Fortune Cookies probably

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