Fancy Donrouch

Fancy Donrouch

gezüchtet von R-KIEM Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Fancy Donrouch ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. R-KIEMs Fancy Donrouch ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

R-KIEMs Fancy Donrouch Beschreibung

R-KIEM Seeds Fancy Donrouch Fancy Donrouch is the latest work from the breeding team at R-kiem Seeds, resulting in a well-balanced 50% indica cannabis hybrid created from two lines widely considered to be pure fire: Watermelon Skittles and Tropicanna Cookies. Fancy Donrouch is a very vigorous cannabis plant that adapts to all types of cultivation techniques and substrates, a perfect all-terrain strain for beginners and highly experienced growers.

The Fancy Dounrouch variety is considered a real gem and its name comes from the jeweller/artist 0800 DON ROUCH. Thanks to his genuine and exclusive technique within modern jewelry, the use of high quality materials and his passion for the trade, the new collaboration with R-Kiem Seeds has arisen, an exclusive fusion never before seen in the cannabis sector with the following premise:

-Jewels represent the most important moments of our lives, only an expert aware of this reality can give their best in creating pieces that will last forever.

Fancy Donrouch, buds with beautiful colors and powerful terpenes
In the new Fancy Donrouch hybrid you can find 3 phenotypes with clearly marked terpene profiles, but what all of them have in common is that they finish flowering completely coated with trichomes with a very powerful aroma, and that the structure of the flower invokes the best diamonds in the world.

Two of the Fancy Dounrouch phenotypes show beautiful bluish and pink colorations where purple hues can easily appear. One of them has a strong citrus flavour with a Cookies background thanks to the influence of the Tropicanna genetics and the other shows a powerful watermelon flavour with a biscuity background, leaning more towards the Watermelon Skittles variety.

The third phenotype that appears in Fancy Dounrouch is the easiest to distinguish due to its green colour, although it finishes flowering practically silver due to its enormous amount of resin with an unbeatable terpene composition.

If you are a lover of exotic cannabis genetics with original aromas and you want to have the most exclusive strains, don't miss out on the opportunity to try Fancy Donrouch, a surprising cannabis variety.

R-Kiem Seeds Fancy Donrouch info:
Genetics: Watermelon Skittles and Tropicanna Cookies
Feminised Cannabis Seeds
Genotype: 50/50 indica-sativa
Indoor flowering: 8 - 9 weeks
Outdoor harves: October (April in the southern hemisphere)
THC content: High (24.9-15%)
Indoor yield: High (550gr/m2)
Outdoor yield: High (up to 1kg/plant)

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Fancy Donrouch Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Fancy Donrouch Stammbaum-Karte

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