Genehtik Seeds
Face Off OG Bilbo

Face Off OG Bilbo

gezüchtet von Genehtik Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Face Off OG Bilbo ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±62 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Genehtik Seeds' Face Off OG Bilbo ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Genehtik Seeds' Face Off OG Bilbo Beschreibung

Genehtik Seeds Face Off OG Bilbo The FACE OFF OG BILBO is the original FACE OFF OG KUSH from California feminized here in Bilbao.

Produces dense buds extremely resinous with reddish thick pistils.

It is a powerful indica with an average of 21% of THC having narcotic and soothing effects.

TYPE: Indica (indica / sativa)

Indoor Production: 500-600 gr/m2

Outdoor Production: 1000-1300 gr/plant

Indoor Flowering: 60-63 days

Outdoor Harvest: October (Northern Hemisphere) – April (Southern Hemisphere)

The FACE OFF OG BILBO is the original FACE OFF OG KUSH from California feminized here in Bilbao. This strain is indica predominant with 70% indica and 30% sativa.

In the late 90’s an exceptional phenotype of OG KUSH appeared in California. It was called Face Off like the movie of John Travolta and Nicolas Cage in which they swap their faces. The legend said that its strong effect “changed your face” making it very popular among the Californians.

The FACE OFF OG BILBO is a medium-sized strong plant which produces dense buds extremely resinous with reddish thick pistils outstanding on the lime green color of the buds. It needs 63 flowering days to reach its optimal development.

It has the features of OG KUSH such as earthy taste, mossy smell and the aroma of a humid forest.

It is a powerful indica with an average of 21% of THC having narcotic and soothing effects.

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Face Off OG Bilbo Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Face Off OG Bilbo Stammbaum-Karte

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