Doctor Seedsman CBD 30:1 Auto

Doctor Seedsman CBD 30:1 Auto

gezüchtet von Seedsman

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Infos vom Züchter

Doctor Seedsman CBD 30:1 Auto ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±90 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Seedsmans Doctor Seedsman CBD 30:1 Auto ist eine CBD-Sorte ohne THC und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Seedsmans Doctor Seedsman CBD 30:1 Auto Beschreibung

Seedsman Doctor Seedsman CBD 30:1 Auto Doctor Seedsman CBD 30:1 Auto is the auto-flowering version of Dr. Seedsman CBD 30:1 boasting very high levels of CBD yet with less than 1% THC resulting in healing and soothing effects without any psychoactivity at all.

Dr. Seedsman CBD 30:1 Auto was bred from an Eletta Campana Selezionata crossed with Speed Bud Auto to provide the auto-flowering genetics. Its life-cycle from seed to harvest is finished within 90 days which allows for multiple successive crops in warmer climate regions. CBD content is approximately 11 - 13% while THC is extremely low at less than 0.2%. Climate, conditions and the exact point in the plants' life-cycle at which they are harvested all influence these quantities.

This is a tremendous strain to grow outdoors and, where legal, large scale planting at a density of 3,000 to 5,000 plants is recommended without any detriment to the final product. In this environment plants will grow to a height of between 140 - 160 cm. tall whilst yielding around 400 gr/m2. Indoor plants will be a bit shorter, finishing at about 100 - 120 cm.

This plant displays some variation in scent and flavour. The most prevalent terpenes are Myrcene and Limonene which impart herbal and citrus notes respectively. Bisabolol offers further earthy hints. With a CBD:THC ratio in excess of approximately 30:1. the effect is very deeply relaxing to the body with no cerebral effects whatsoever making it pleasurable for all-day consumption for those who need their medicine.

VARIETY Mostly Sativa
FLOWERING TYPE Autoflowering
SEX Feminised
CBD CONTENT 11 - 13%
YIELD 400 gr/m2 outdoors
PLANT HEIGHT Indoors: 100 - 120 cm; Outdoors: 140 - 160 cm.
GROWS Indoors, Outdoors
FLOWERING TIME 90 days from seed
MEDICINAL PROPERTIES Yes but not specified.
TASTE / FLAVOUR Citrus, Earthy, Spicy / Herbal
EFFECT Calming, Relaxing, Soothing

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Doctor Seedsman CBD 30:1 Auto Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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