Hypno Seeds
Cream Brulee Auto

Cream Brulee Auto

gezüchtet von Hypno Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Cream Brulee Auto ist eine automatisch blühende mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen, draussen und im Gewächshaus - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±56 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Hypno Seeds' Cream Brulee Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Hypno Seeds' Cream Brulee Auto Beschreibung

Hypno Seeds Cream Brulee Auto Description
We love our Cream Brulee and wanted to create an even more special variety so everyone could harvest it faster. Introducing Cream Brulee Auto! After a meticulous process of crossing our exemplary variety with our autoflowering genetics of the highest quality; it is ready to shine and captivate all grow spaces. Equally to lovely feminized Indica-leaning sister, Cream Brulee Auto will take over your heart. You’ll want to keep it in constant rotation. In just about 8 weeks it goes from being a seed to a bountiful harvest of sweet and creamy cannabis from the irresistible dessert we know and love.

Appearance and Grow Tips
While Cream Brulee Auto has the same quality and potency as its feminized cannabis predecessor, what stands out is its speed to finish and enormous dense colas. These magical cannabis seeds take around 8 weeks from seed to harvest and can produce up to 500 grams (per plant) of pure happiness. Indica lovers won’t be able to look away, their growth speed will put anyone in a trance!

Make sure to provide this variety with at least 18 hours of light throughout the entire grow and decent pot size, around 3 gallons minimum, so it can grow to its full potential. Due to its ultra-fast autoflowering genetics, we recommend planting the previously germinated seed directly into the final pot to avoid stressing or damaging the roots. LST is always a good idea to increase performance and control any height problems you want to avoid.

Administer nutrients at 1⁄4 of the recommended dose and then gradually increased as the plant grows and reacts. With optimal conditions and treatment, this strain will bless you with beautiful buds of up to 19% THC.

Flavor and aroma
Thanks to its special lineage, Cream Brulee Auto is absolutely packed with the same delicious flavors and aromas. Its autoflowering magic makes it even easier and quicker to grab your delicious dessert cannabis buds. Notes of cream, caramel, together with vanilla, buttered nuts, and coffee will leave stunned even the most experimental cannabis connoisseur.

After the first delicious puff, you will be in a dream state, deeply relaxed and pleasantly euphoric. Its calming effect makes it better to consume it at night to help you sleep. Similarly, during the day if you are looking for a half-conscious state Cream Brulee Auto will keep you upbeat and happy.

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Cream Brulee Auto Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Cream Brulee Auto Stammbaum-Karte

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