ACE Seeds
Bangi Congo x Panama

Bangi Congo x Panama

gezüchtet von ACE Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Bangi Congo x Panama ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±77 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. ACE Seeds' Bangi Congo x Panama ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

ACE Seeds' Bangi Congo x Panama Beschreibung

ACE Seeds Bangi Congo x Panama With this limited edition, we continue exploring the best possible combinations between African and Central American sativas. Bangi Congo x Panama, along with Panama x Bangi Haze, form the peak of our repertoire of hybrids between congolese and panamanian sativas.

In this case, the Bangi Congo mother, an excellent and fast flowering pure congolese which has been used since the beginning of ACE Seeds in the breeding of our most popular congolese hybrids, was pollinated by the already famous Panama Goddess, 10th generation elite parental plant, with which we have developed the latest Panama generations, as well as the most recent and remarkable Panama hybrids in recent years.

Bangi Congo x Panama is a F1 100% sativa hybrid, vigorous, with strong structure and excellent branching, which surprises with its fast and explosive flowering for a pure sativa, and for its excellent adaptability to indoor growing and outdoor growing in latitudes where plants will be flowering in colder and humid environments.

This sativa is a true 'white' strain: the buds and leaves nearby are covered with a thick and shiny layer of resin, where the classic african earthy flavors meet the more refined lemony and incensey Panama's terpene profile.

It produces an immediate mental effect, with an intensity, complexity, depth and duration of its effects that can take even the most experienced sativa users unawares.

Format Feminized
Sativa / Indica ratio 100 % sativa

THC 15-18 %
CBD Null
CBG 1-2 %

Flowering indoors 9-11 weeks
Flowering outdoors Mid October
Yield High
Resistance against spider mites Average-High
Resistance against powder mildew Average-High
Resistance against botrytis High
Resistance against white fly High
Resistance against cold High
Resistance against heat High
Latitude 0º-45º

Genetics Bangi Congo x Panama Goddess elite (F10).

Structure Strong structure and excellent branching, with a moderate node length and flowering stretching for a pure sativa.

Bouquet The classic african earthy flavors meet the more refined lemony and incensey Panama's terpene profile.

High Immediate mental effect, which increases perceptions and the flow of thoughts. Intense, complex, deep and long-lasting.

Terpene profile It has not yet been analyzed.

Growing Tips

Excellent adaptability to indoor growing. Outdoors, it is also a very adaptable plant that has been successfully grown for years in temperate latitudes, and even in relatively cold climates.

Very suitable for SOG crops due to its great yield in the main cola, or for SCROG, horizontal or network growing due to its excellent yield in the lateral branches and its vigorous reaction to pruning.

We recommend moderate levels of nutrients for the growing stage, moderate-high in the peaks of higher flower production.

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Bangi Congo x Panama Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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