Ripper Seeds
BCN Haze

BCN Haze

gezüchtet von Ripper Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

BCN Haze ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±68 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Ripper Seeds' BCN Haze ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Ripper Seeds' BCN Haze Beschreibung

Ripper Seeds BCN Haze A crossroads finding the haze sativa effect with faster flowering and an increase in production. Two plants are very similar in concept to cross- search them , both varieties selected between haze and skunk.

Haze , crossed multiple is among the most potent sativas in the world. Mexico , Colombia , India and Thailand were the origins of this plant would come to be amongst the best groundwork for many lovers of this plant in future generations.

Skunk, possibly the most commercial plant in the entire history of cannabis. Crossing with Mexico and Colombia Afghanistan elevate the average production of seeds with all who crossed and shortened the flowering period substantially.

Who would say to the brothers haze and mr Skunkman that half a century later we would still be working with the legacy they left.

By 2003 we selected a strain of winning the 1992 Super Haze high times in which buscavamos that very resinous skunk phenotype structure and haze effect and citric flavor that we had found in previous years Dutch Coffee shop. At that time the famous Amnesia haze began to circulate in small environments and had everything back then buscavamos story. We have always had a penchant for good sativas, its energy and its powerful effect are some of the qualities we look for in a good sativa.

The main problem of the plants with these effects for all growers is its long flowering period. The holy grail has always been to find such effects in a shorter period plant. That's why they started making crosses between haze and skunk looking shorten flowering periods to something more acceptable.
Another clear demonstration of this search is the previously named Amnesia Haze. Also with the same genetic heritage but following another path selected eyes of another grower.
Amnesia Haze is a hybrid Super Silver Haze and Skunk has won numerous competitions. It also conserves energy effect of large sativas and just over two months of flowering. This strain was the other choice for our crossroads.

BCN haze is our small contribution to this search. The result of crossing Super Haze x Amnesia haze results in a plant with a clearly marked sativa. It is very stable in structure and flavor and will never disappoint in his incredible amount of oversized trichomes, which remain in the mesh 90 Mc when experimenting with the ice flower.

Its production is medium / high and ready to harvest in 65-70 days. In our latitude outside and maturity will be the middle of October.

Vegetative: 1 to 2 weeks
Genotipe: 70% Sativa / 30% Índica
Indoor flowering: 65/70 days
Outdoor flowering: Mid October
Production: High
Effect: Strong / Brain

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

BCN Haze Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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BCN Haze Hybriden & Kreuzungen

IBZ Haze
Somango x BCN Haze

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