GB Strains
Auto Skunk XXL

Auto Skunk XXL

gezüchtet von GB Strains

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Infos vom Züchter

Auto Skunk XXL ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±75 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. GB Strains' Auto Skunk XXL ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

GB Strains' Auto Skunk XXL Beschreibung

GB Strains Auto Skunk XXL Auto Skunk XXL 100% Feminized is a strain that was born out of the search for a high yielding autoflowering plant with Skunk genes that still managed to keep the main characteristics that makes Skunk one of the most famous, sought-after strains of all times. The resulting strain is an indica-dominant autoflowering strain that grows super easy in pretty much any environment; it doesn’t need much care, it produces a branchy and bushy structure and its buds end up super compact, large, aromatic and incredibly potent.

Auto Skunk XXL – Large Autoflowering Strain
Auto Skunk XXL Indoors
Indoors, you’ll need to keep in mind that this strain produces a compact, branchy structure – make sure you don’t place too many per square meter. Make the most out of this strain’s shape by giving it plenty of space; we recommend placing 6 – 9 plants per m2, in 11L or larger flowerpots like Root Pruning Pots. This should allow them to grow without fighting over space, allowing each plant to perform to the best of its abilities thanks to having a larger root system that allows them to absorb more nutrients. This plant doesn’t tend to grow over 1.2m tall indoors, and it can produce yields over 600g/m2. It should take 70-80 days to fully mature, although some phenotypes may take a bit longer but they’ll also produce more yield and a more potent effect.

Auto Skunk XXL Outdoors
Auto Skunk XXL does really well outdoors, and it shouldn’t have any issues with space if you can give it enough. It does best outdoors thanks to all the extra space, producing much larger yields per plant. It’s also important to note that outdoors it may take a bit longer to harvest, but this doesn’t matter much as you’ll be harvesting larger yields that produce more intense effects. Just one of these plants can produce over 250g. You can grow this strain in pretty much any climate, although it does best in hot, dry climates – for the best possible results we recommend using 25L flowerpots or growing in the ground using a spongey, airy substrate mix.

Auto Skunk XXL 100% Feminized Effect and Flavor
Growers that have consumed Skunk strains before should know what to expect, but if you’ve never tried a Skunk strain before you should be aware that they produce potent, long-lasting effects, so beginner consumers will need to take care and make sure not to consume too much. This strain tends to produce a balanced physical and mental effect, although due to its indica-dominant side, it tends to be more relaxing than stimulating. In as far as aroma and flavor, this strain produces sour hints that are spicy, earthy and sweet in some cases – this strain tastes almost exactly the same as the aroma.

Data Sheet:
Sativa/Indica: 20/80%
Flowering: 70-80 days after germination
Height: 0.7-1.2m indoors and outdoors
Yield: 450-650g2 indoors, 80-250g/plant

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Auto Skunk XXL Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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