Viking Gardens

Viking Gardens

Viking Gardens @ SeedFinders Züchter-Datenbank

Hier findest du alle Informationen über den Cannabis-Zücheter Viking Gardens. Wir haben Daten zu 18 Cannabis Sorten von Viking Gardens gesammelt. Klicke auf die Sorten um weitere Informationen, Bilder, Reviews, Vergleiche und Quellen zu finden - oder lies dir die Breeder Infos hier auf der Seite durch um mehr über Viking Gardens herauszufinden. Desweiteren ist es mit unseren dynamischen Karten auch möglich alle Viking Gardens Sorten zu visualisieren - inclusive all ihrer Eltern oder allen bekannten Hybriden!

Informationen zu diesem Breeder:

Unlike the New Breeders of America , Old School mixed with New World , This Breeders Location is in Western Maine near the top of the Snow Belt here in New England. They grow to become a soul and passion small batch garden focused on breeding for growers by growers working with genetics in true hunting and selecting form . There is other breeders that have taken Viking Gardens under there wing and helped developed the experience and the best ways to go about the style . They are big named and highly valued in this industry and are amongst the elite and most exotic growers and Viking Gardens has been sculpted to become a true honest breeder with endless genetics to passionately work with there is nothing but great cannbis to be evolved here and at a value that others will soon come to understand is the right way to work with Cannabis .