Perfect Tree

Perfect Tree

Perfect Tree @ SeedFinders Züchter-Datenbank

Hier findest du alle Informationen über den Cannabis-Zücheter Perfect Tree. Wir haben Daten zu 44 Cannabis Sorten von Perfect Tree gesammelt (3 dieser Hanfsorten wurden von SeedFindernutzern bewertet - mit einer durchschnittlichen Note von 7.78 von 10!) Klicke auf die Sorten um weitere Informationen, Bilder, Reviews, Vergleiche und Quellen zu finden - oder lies dir die Breeder Infos hier auf der Seite durch um mehr über Perfect Tree herauszufinden. Desweiteren ist es mit unseren dynamischen Karten auch möglich alle Perfect Tree Sorten zu visualisieren - inclusive all ihrer Eltern oder allen bekannten Hybriden!

Informationen zu diesem Breeder:

Perfect tree is a small handcrafted seed company created by a group of passionated people.
Growers, extractors and collectors they are constantly experimenting with the plant to find the best genes.
They selected some of the finest strains coming from different seed banks and breeders all around the world. Perfect tree kept the best one, the one that impressed them the most for their terpenes profile, the resin production and the emotions that they delivered.
Their goal today is to develop some intense and surprising aromatic varieties, to meet the expectations of the connoisseurs. They are working exclusively from seeds coming from modern hybrid varieties to obtain some unique plants.
Perfect tree offer feminized seed so the grower can enjoy the taste of the original selected clones. They also offer regular seeds so that others can pursue the quest of the perfect breed.
To ensure the quality and stability of their varieties, they are testing 100% of their seeds. They also have a team of growers worldwilde that test them in all kind of environments.
The quality is the most important thing for them, they want you to be amazed by the beauty, the resin and all the great aromas of the plants that sweat into the room.

High grade never hurts nobody !