Nasha Genetics

Nasha Genetics

Nasha Genetics @ SeedFinders Züchter-Datenbank

Hier findest du alle Informationen über den Cannabis-Zücheter Nasha Genetics. Wir haben Daten zu 39 Cannabis Sorten von Nasha Genetics gesammelt. Klicke auf die Sorten um weitere Informationen, Bilder, Reviews, Vergleiche und Quellen zu finden - oder lies dir die Breeder Infos hier auf der Seite durch um mehr über Nasha Genetics herauszufinden. Desweiteren ist es mit unseren dynamischen Karten auch möglich alle Nasha Genetics Sorten zu visualisieren - inclusive all ihrer Eltern oder allen bekannten Hybriden!

Informationen zu diesem Breeder:

Our journey begins in the motherland of India, about 20 years ago. Scouting every acre of the Himalayas in search of the best seeds, collecting valuable knowledge and authentic experience along the way.

Nasha Genetics is born from the determining encounter between passion from India and expertise from California. Two opposite yet complementary worlds. Ideas from both sides began to intertwine and a common vision emerged.

Nasha Genetics aims to provide the most exclusive and exotic strains on the market, focusing on quality of origins and working hand in hand with the best in the industry. All our seeds are tested before being released to the public to guarantee stability and yields.