Sensation Seeds
White Widow Auto

White Widow Auto

gezüchtet von Sensation Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

White Widow Auto ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±77 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Sensation Seeds' White Widow Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Sensation Seeds' White Widow Auto Beschreibung

Sensation Seeds White Widow Auto White Widow Seeds is a legend with a new regalia; there’s no need to fiddle with the lighting timetable - just let it grow, and she'll provide you with good yields of a very efficient end product. Indoors you'll be remunerated with 600g/m² after about seven weeks of blossoming – if grown outdoors, presume each of the centimeters in plant loftiness to convert to approximately one gram of dried bud and at 70-80cm the harvest is pretty plentiful. This auto-flowering version is going to withstand outdoor cultivation so long as the temperature doesn’t drop below 10°C, so even when care for in less satisfactory climates you will see a generous yield from a healthy plant.

In the late flowering phase, it can be essential to support the plant to protect it from toppling over - the buds can develop so thick and highly resinous that they bend and in the worst case scenario, the branches breaks. Just Like the non-auto flowering unique White Widow, it has long, gloomy green leaves, dusted by way of a heavy covering of resin. The White Widow Automatically imitates the original White Widow thoroughly but only takes about 75 days to develop from seed to bud, a great improvement for the impatient grower. The only difference is the auto flowering development, smaller size, and somewhat more physical stoned effect.

White Widow Automatic has an extreme flavor and aroma with sentimental flowery notes. The sour and sweet aroma and taste are comparable to but not as high as the White Widow. The effect is, of course, physical, long-lasting and powerful. It’s the flawless cannabis strain for medical usage and to relax deeply.

Sativa 40%
Indica 40%
Ruderalis 20%
Height indoor 45 - 90 cm
Height Outdoor 50 - 115 cm
Effect Strong physical high
Flowering Time 7 - 8 weeks
Gen White Widow x Ruderalis
Type Autoflowering
Yield indoor 425 - 475 gr m2
Yield outdoor 180 - 275 gr
Harvest 10 ~ 12 wks after germination
THC Medium
CBD Medium
Taste Sweet, Citrus, Floral

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White Widow Auto Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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