Plantamaster Seeds


gezüchtet von Plantamaster Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Trainwreck ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Plantamaster Seeds' Trainwreck ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Plantamaster Seeds' Trainwreck Beschreibung

Plantamaster Seeds Trainwreck
This is a hybrid 90/10 Sativa / Indica with lemon - mint flavor. TRAINWRECK relates to medical grade marijuana, and is one of the most powerful and widely known medical grade. It is used to treat migraines, headaches, nausea, chronic pain.

They took us to this sort of unknown brothers - growers from California, for what they are most grateful to our human - sort of an excellent! Brothers crossed variety, growing in the lowlands in Thai with a grade of Mexico and added a little Afghani genetics. It was somewhere in the late 70s. The brothers were forced to either completely destroy the first harvest of this variety because the house where he was their "secret garden" was wrecked by a train. The brothers feared that emergency crews find their growroom and had to get rid of all the plants of the first and only specimen TRAINWRECK varieties. It would seem that genetics is lost forever - but some time later a clone surfaced once whether the brothers donated to someone, or someone - then they stole the clone, but TRAINWRECK reappeared and became the main strain of the variety. Now TRAINWRECK quite successfully grown in Humboldt County, California has more than ten years.

TRAINWRECK demonstrates once dominant genetics sativa - especially evident in its leaves. Well, after the start of flowering plant begins to be covered frosty crystals, which at the time of harvest the plants cover almost completely.


When grown in outdoor grows TRAINWRECK growing slowly for a good harvest it requires full 9 months of life from seed to harvest., But in Indoor, it feels great and coconut, and in the soil mixture, but the most complete variety reveals its potential when grown in hydroponics where it becomes over harvest. Indoor TRAINWRECK can bloom up to 4 weeks after the transfer in mode 12 \ 12, and this results in a complete stupor beginners, after which most newcomers begins intensive watering plant fertilizers and hormones and as a result, the plant dies. Do not worry about 3-4 weeks after transfer to color TRAINWRECK slowed growth rate and will be at the same rate to build dense, resin-covered buds, from which you can get an excellent hashish!

Plantamaster warns that TRAINWRECK requires careful use, there are times when excessively been involved for this variety of medical marijuana smoker could get lost in his own house, had "a pleasant madness" hard to navigate in space, or simply could not get up from the couch . In the worst cases, a person could not even remember his name. We also ask you to be reasonable and not exceed the dose assigned to your therapist.

Type : Sativa 90 / Indica 10
Genetics : Thai / Mexican / Afghani
Flowering Time: 8 - 9 weeks
Harvest: end of october
Height: medium
Harvest: 500 - 700 gr/m2
THC: 20% and Higher

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Trainwreck Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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