Thunder Dawg

Thunder Dawg

gezüchtet von SeedStockers

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Infos vom Züchter

Thunder Dawg ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±67 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. SeedStockers' Thunder Dawg ist THC dominant und ist/war auch als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

SeedStockers' Thunder Dawg Beschreibung

SeedStockers Thunder Dawg It is the encounter between (Thunder Banana x Sour Sherbet) x (Candy Dawg x Leeroy). This Indica dominant multi-hybrid is the ideal choice to complete or initiate a high-quality genetics collection.

The female parental is a selection of Thunder Banana x Sour Sherbet. On the one hand Thunder Banana, a Sativa with a strong cerebral very sativa high. It has quickly become one of the pillars of Seedstockers seedbank due to the great acceptance of growers, both for flower production and quality. It delivers a flavour reminiscent of banana, especially ripe, with Skunk undertones. This variety then was crossed with Sour Sherbet to increase resin production and stabilise the THC level.

The other parental is Candy Dawg x Leeroy. Candy Dawg is a genetic that is striking for its large production and intense unique aromas. It offers a notable sweet and fruity aroma which integrates perfectly with a spicy and herbal aftertaste. Its union with Leeroy, contributes with a perfect robustness to thrive in poor environmental conditions.
Thuder Dawg, regular cannabis for all types of growers

Thunder Dawg is the result of this great 2-way hybrid, or 4-way depending on how you look at it. A variety with excellent vigour at all cultivation stages. Thanks to its intensity and robustness in growth, Thunder Dawg regular creates a perfect symbiosis of branches and foliage to achieve a flowering with the same momentum as during the vegetative stage.

Thunder Dawg is a versatile plant resistant to all types of pruning and growing methods. Both SOG and SCROG cultivation boost the production and quality of the plant. It is certainly a grower decision to choose the right method, either a lot of central buds or a small number of plants.
Thunder Dawg Regular, cannabis flowers, aromas, and effects

Thunder Dawg Regular flowers, on an optimal cultivation, are excellent and abundant. They present dense and compact calyxes. The resin leaves the fingers impregnated with trichomes. It is also notable the high production in levels of cannabinoids, especially THC, and terpenes.

Thunder Dawg flowers aroma is easily identifiable, both in terms of potency and uniqueness. As is the effect, with a THC level up to 25%, which relaxes the most nervous consumer thanks to its Indica dominance.
Seedstockers Thunder Dawg info:

Genetics: (Thunder Banana x Sour Sherbet) x (Candy Dawg x Leeroy)
Type: Feminised cannabis seeds
Genotype: Indica Sativa
Indoor flowering: 9-10 weeks
Outdoor harvest: October
THC content: High
Indoor yield: High/Very high
Outdoor yield: High/Very high

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