Makka Seeds
Super Auto Lemon Haze

Super Auto Lemon Haze

gezüchtet von Makka Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Super Auto Lemon Haze ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/sativa Sorte von und kann draussen und im Gewächshaus - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±100 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Makka Seeds' Super Auto Lemon Haze ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Makka Seeds' Super Auto Lemon Haze Beschreibung

Makka Seeds Super Auto Lemon Haze There is a breeder called Stitch who specializes in developing profit-yielding autoflowering strains, also known as "super autos". They have a longer life cycle in comparison to autoflowering varieties that finish in for example 60-70 days, but yield way beyond what the average autoflowering strain is able to produce. Makka Seeds used the genetics of Stitch 0.2 to stabilize a crossing of a special Haze (KC Brains) and Neville’s Haze (Mr. Nice). The result is an autoflowering Haze hybrid the world has never seen before.
Besides potency and aromas, it is the basic growing traits giving this strain absolute superiority to many other autoflowering strains. In good outdoor conditions, growers must expect plants that can reach heights of 150-300cm. This strain performs best in extra large containers with a capacity of 25 litres and up. Daily growth of 2-4cm, and record-breaking yields of up to 250-500g per plant will be the reward for giving this super auto enough root space. Super Auto Lemon Haze will finish in 95-105 days from seed, and yields up to 300-500g/m² indoors.

Super Auto Lemon Haze provides the characteristic aromas of Haze, with a strong lime influence, and a touch of incense. It’s nearly impossible to tell if this is an autoflowering strain or not. The genetic makeup consists of about 95% Sativa genetics, and only 5% of the genetic material comes from Ruderalis. This is not only reflected in the taste, but also in the incredible potency of Super Auto Lemon Haze. Both Haze parents are completely over the top when it comes to their THC levels, resulting in 19% THC for their offspring. The powerful effects provide physical and mental energy, and are best enjoyed during the day.
Super autos can be a very good option when time is not a major issue, and not only for outdoor growers who want to harvest large plants in late summer or early fall. One way of evaluating the true potential of an autoflowering strain is setting the final yields in relation to the length of the life cycle. This variety might takes 13-14 weeks to finish, but yields are completely out of this world!

95% Sativa / 5% Rudiralis
Flowering Time: 95-105 days from seed to harvest
THC: 19%
CBD: 0.1%
Yield (indoor): 300-500 g/m2
Height Outdoor: 150-300cm

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