TerpyZ Mutant Genetics
Quackberry Rose

Quackberry Rose

gezüchtet von TerpyZ Mutant Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Quackberry Rose ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±65 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. TerpyZ Mutant Genetics' Quackberry Rose ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

TerpyZ Mutant Genetics' Quackberry Rose Beschreibung

TerpyZ Mutant Genetics Quackberry Rose Leaf type:

Webbed Leaves (Ducksfoot)

Plant Size:

M -XL | Up to 180cm

Aroma & Flavour:

Berries, Rose/Floral and hints of Pine Forest and Mint


~16-19% / ~1%


Head-Buzz, Relaxed, Stoned, Giggly, Happy


8-9 Weeks | mid to end October

Estimated Yield:



Indoor | Outdoor | Greenhouse




Quackberry x Quackberry


Quackberry Rose truly shines as a resilient and versatile plant, catering to both indoor and outdoor cultivators with its robust growth. Its captivating aroma is a perfect fusion of fruity berry sweetness and invigorating rose scents, making it a delightful sensory experience. Furthermore, this strain's consistent yields of classic, high-quality cannabis underscore its reliability and ability to bring joy to seasoned enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

Aroma & Flavour: Berries, Roses/Floral and hints of Pine Forest and Mint

Quackberry Rose hits you with a combo of berry and rose aromas, setting the stage for a truly sensational experience. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, notes of pine forest come through, and a cool menthol finish leaves you craving more. This strain brings back that classic charm with a modern twist, delivering a high that's smooth, balanced, and undeniably satisfying. Get ready to indulge in the perfect fusion of old-school vibes.


Quackberry Rose delivers a head-buzz that'll have your mind soaring. As the euphoria sets in, a sense of relaxation washes over you, melting away any stress or tension. And oh, the giggles! This strain had our whole team breaking out in laughter, sparking bouts of joy and happiness. As seasoned smokers, we don't see that often. From the first hit to the last exhale, Quackberry Rose is a rollercoaster of good vibes that'll keep you grinning from ear to ear.

Plant Morphology:

Quackberry Rose boasts webbed leaves, commonly known as Ducksfoot, giving it a unique appearance. Its plant structure is medium-sized and stocky, making it easy to manage, especially for indoor cultivation. The broad leaves gracefully slim out as the flowers develop, adding to its aesthetic appeal. Keep an eye out for some eye-catching phenotypes that may showcase pinkish magenta pistils, a stunning trait inherited from the Duckweb IBL genetics.

Parental Lines:

Quackberry (Duckweb IBl x Fast Donald F1) Quackberry is the a backcross towards Duckweb IBL from Olympic Seeds pure Indica originating in Afghanistan. It is an inbred webbed landrace with beautiful magenta/pink pistils, good potency and outstanding stability. The Phenotype we have selected has an extremely Uplifting and Happy, Social high associated with Sativa.

Fast Donald F1 (White Widow Autoduck x Duckweb IBL) is a solid early flowering webbed leaf variety. It will be ready in 8 weeks, produces dense and well-structured flowers and is extremely homogenous across the board. Featuring a minty citrus fruit aroma with earthy undertones.

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