Grounded Genetics


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Infos vom Züchter

Pinata ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±60 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Grounded Genetics' Pinata ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Grounded Genetics' Pinata Beschreibung

Grounded Genetics Pinata Gelato 41, aka the Bacio Gelato, is considered among countless connoisseurs and tastemakers as the most desirable and elusive Gelato cuts in circulation and has long been a staple in Grounded Genetics' gardens. The cultivar is a force to be reckoned with, much like her parents Sunset Sherbert and Thin Mint Cookies; although the Cookie and Sherbert are slightly less common in contemporary times, the 41 has stood the test of time by remaining in high demand as the most elite Gelato cut. A properly cultivated crop of Gelato 41 has extreme potency and a tantalisingly strong creamy hazelnut ice cream and gassy funk that will keep you smacking your lips to experience the mouth-watering terps fully.

Grounded Genetics have kept the Bacio Gelato aka Gelato 41 in the permanent head stash rotation since they sourced the cut and which they've always considered irreplaceable, well at least until they saw the fantastic results that they yielded from the Pi±ata. The Pinata is a cross of the Gelato 41 mum with the reversed Runtz pollen, which led to the outstanding offspring of the Pinata. The progeny is full of phenotypes that express improved aspects, with a dramatically improved resin production to more full exotic candy and gassy funk notes and notably higher yields.

The flowers grow in massive, dense, rounded flower stucture which is the recessive trait that is noted in the vast majority of phenos, some of which will have inherited the artifical candy and sweet gas from the Runtz with a heavy hazelnut and dessert type terps like fresh baklava from which the 41 is responsible.

Some of the other phenotype expressions within this cultivar express more of the typical creamy gassy gelato flavour with subtle undertones of the exotic, sickly sweet candy terpenes from the Runtz father.

Several phenotype expressions in the mix of her progeny express vastly different traits from the parents with ultra-candied colourful flowers reminiscent of soapy, sweet Zkittlez terps with a potent heavy gassy odour and dripping in resin heads. This cross typically manifests itself as solid, rock hard oval-shaped buds that evoke the shape of an egg shape from top to bottom.

Most plants generally display a moderate stretch (2x) with an optimal harvest window of between 8.5 and 9 weeks.

Flowering Time 8-9 Weeks
Genetics Hybrid
Lineage Gelato 41 (Bacio) x Runtz
Yield Medium

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