Peyote Forum

Peyote Forum

gezüchtet von Seedsman

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Infos vom Züchter

Peyote Forum ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±65 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Seedsmans Peyote Forum ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Seedsmans Peyote Forum Beschreibung

Seedsman Peyote Forum Peyote Forum by Seedsman genetics
Peyote Forum is a cross between two cannabis legends, the resinous and delicious Girl Scout Cookies Forum Cut, and the powerful and reddish Peyote Purple. The result is a perfect variety for fans of powerful cannabis genetics with high THC levels.

On the one hand Girl Scout Cookies, a very popular cannabis variety that needs no introduction. It offers very compact and resinous buds despite its Sativa dominance. Forum Cut produces a brain effect typical of Sativa varieties. The harvests are generous offering very striking buds.

On the other hand Peyote Purple, a dominant Indica genetics resulting from a backcross of a specimen with purple colours. It is a solid and resistant plant with a compact and branchy structure. Its THC levels make it optimal for a therapeutic use, in particular to combat pain, insomnia and stress.

Peyote Forum by Seedsman, generous harvest
Peyote Forum is really a very interesting variety and you should keep it in your cannabis collection. It is ready for harvest in just about 65 days of flowering, with a generous production that adapts well to different growing conditions.

It offers a great power thanks to its THC level up to more than 20%, producing a very interesting therapeutic effect able to combat pain with enough stimulation to leave you active.

Seedsman Peyote Forum info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: GSC Forum Cut x Peyote Purple
Indica Sativa hybrid
Flowering time: 65 days
THC: >20%

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