AG Seed Co
Original Skunk No.1

Original Skunk No.1

gezüchtet von Authentic Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

Original Skunk No.1 ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. AG Seed Cos Original Skunk No.1 ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

AG Seed Cos Original Skunk No.1 Beschreibung

Authentic Genetics Original Skunk No.1 This is the legendary Skunk #1, developed by Skunkman Sam in the 1970's and is a relatively stabilized, true breeding hybrid.

Originally offered by Sacred Seeds and Cultivators Choice, it is a combination of:
(Afghan x Colombian Gold) x Acapulco Gold

In 1988 Mel Frank begot Skunk No.1 seeds from Skunkman Sam and reproduced them 8 years later in 1996. Then Mel Frank properly stored them until 24 years later in 2020, they were grown and selected by Todd for the more acrid terpene phenotypes.

Robert Clarke describes the breeding that went into Skunk #1 in his research paper titled:

Cannabis Domestication, Breeding History, Present-day Genetic Diversity, and Future Prospects

"A brief summary of the breeding of “Skunk No. 1” will illustrate what is involved in developing a relatively true breeding seed cultivar.

Several plants were grown from a local California “skunk” variety, which was likely a 2/3 NLD and 1/3 BLD hybrid (e.g., Colombian/Afghan £ Mexican) and then all the females were crossed with a single select male. A female identified as skunk plant number one was selected as the highest yielding and most potent, and became the founder of all subsequent generations.

For the following nine growing seasons, at least one branch of each of the (up to 100) female plants was fertilized by pollen from a male selected from the offspring of the previous year’s best female plant. Seeds from the select females were sown the following spring.

After only two or three generations, “Skunk No. 1” was relatively homogenous and true-breeding compared to other hybrid lines that continued to segregate in the F3 and F4 generations, and “Skunk No. 1” was then deemed ready for large-scale selection of parent plants with specific combining ability (SCA) for subsequent breeding.

A total of nearly twenty thousand plants were grown in a common garden from the seeds of ten females from the most promising lines selected from the previous generation, and the ten best females from among all those lines were selected based on vigor, potency, type of effect, flower yield, high flower to leaf ratio, resin gland development, amount of branching and pest resistance, as well as attractive floral aromas and flavors. Ten males were also selected for their vigor, pest resistance, female-type growth form, and aroma.

All 20 selections (male and female) were reproduced asexually to preserve their unique genotypes. Ten clonal copies were made of each of the ten select females. Pollen was collected from each of the ten select male clones, and pollen from a single male was used to fertilize a single copy of each female clone, resulting in 100 individual crosses. Two hundred seeds of each cross were sown (20,000 total) and approximately 100 female progeny of each cross were evaluated for phenotypic consistency (homozygosity) of their favorable agronomic traits (see above). Five female and three male clones were selected and used for “Skunk No. 1” sowing seed multiplication as well as hybrid cultivar development."

From: Cannabis Domestication Breeding History Present-day Genetic Diversity and Future Prospects (
Sacred Seeds/Cultivators Choice

Hand Selected with Love

"What you seed is what you get!"

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Original Skunk No.1 Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Original Skunk No.1 Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Wir haben 8 direkte Nachkommen von AG Seed Cos Original Skunk No.1 in der Seedfinder-Datenbank gefunden, hier eine kurze Übersicht. Um alle Hybriden und ihre Nachkommen zu sehen, besuche bitte unsere Original Skunk No.1 Genealogie-Seite und schau Dir alle direkten Nachkommen an, die Kreuzungen - und alle nachfolgenden Generationen.

PePe Le Blue
Original Skunk No.1 x BlueMeanies
4 Juicy Skunks
4 Juices x Skunk 1
Cherry Skunk Plushie
CherryGotti Plush #2 x Original Skunk No.1
Dedicated To Lars
Original Skunk No.1 x Silas Botwin
Grape Candy Skunk
Welchie x Original Skunk No.1
Mythical Skunk Milk
Unicorn Milk x Original Skunk No.1
Skunk Hashplant V1
Jittu Bhai x Kundoz18 x Original Skunk No.1
Skunk Punch Man
Punch Bubble #1 x Original Skunk No.1

Karte der Original Skunk No.1 Nachfahren

Wenn du an einem grossen Bildschirm sitzt und nicht am Handy, schau dir auch unsere dynamische Karte mit allen bekannten Original Skunk No.1 Kreuzungen und Nachfahren an! (aber es kann eventuell ein bisschen dauern bis alle Daten geladen und verarbeitet wurden!)

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