Old School Genetics
OSG Cheese

OSG Cheese

gezüchtet von Old School Genetics

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Infos vom Züchter

OSG Cheese ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±65 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Old School Genetics' OSG Cheese ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Old School Genetics' OSG Cheese Beschreibung

Old School Genetics OSG Cheese OSG Cheese by Old School Genetics (OSG), from the Oldies Never Die series. It is an improved version of the well-known U.K. Exodus Cheese 87 clone thanks to the Old Widow's genetic contribution. It improves its strength and ramification but preserves intact this famous plant's organoleptic qualities.

OSG Cheese ancestors
Old School Genetics conserves an exceptional genetics of Old Widow 90's. It is used in the development of new feminised varieties which substantially improve with its genetic contribution.

It is a variety with a high terpenes concentration ideal for any hashish or resin extractions. It offers a very persistent flavour and aroma being considered by many as one of the best genetics to perform extractions.

OSG Cheese cultivation
OSG Cheese produces plants with a Skunk development, with a much better structure and ramification, and a more rigid and compact growth. U.K Exodus Cheese 87 is an old selection from 1987, and this makes it a very sensitive and weak plant in some aspects.

Old Widow 90's brings new blood to U.K Exodus Cheese, extending once again its natural life and providing excellent quality and very easy to cultivate plants. It shows a fast growth and very good ramification, being able to obtain great productions. The flowers have a good calyx/leaf ratio making it easy to manicure because of the very few leaves. Undoubtedly it is a great election for old school Skunk varieties lovers.

OSG Cheese offers one of the best flavours and aromas ever. Authentic old school Skunk Funk terpenes. Many growers have come to believe this variety is almost comparable to RKS (Road Kill Skunk), another great Skunk. It is recommended the use of carbon filters because of its strong and intense rancid cheese aroma. It is the ideal variety for cultivators looking for varieties with a special and delicious bouquet, certainly difficult to find in other current varieties.

OSG Cheese Awards

1st Best Hash at 2015 ICMAG Cup Amsterdam
In 2015, Old School Genetics in collaboration with Hashcelona was awarded in the ICMAG Cup Amsterdam in the Hash category, obtaining a great valuation by all judges.

Old School Genetics OSG Cheese info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: Exodus Cheese 87 x Old Widow 90's
65/35 Indica Sativa hybrid
Flowering time: 65 days
Outdoor harvest: Mid-October
Indoor yield: 500g per m2
Outdoor yield: 700g per plant
THC: High (22%)

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OSG Cheese Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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