Landrace Team
New Caledonia Iles Loyaute

New Caledonia Iles Loyaute

gezüchtet von The Landrace Team

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Infos vom Züchter

New Caledonia Iles Loyaute ist eine sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±112 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Landrace Teams New Caledonia Iles Loyaute ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Landrace Teams New Caledonia Iles Loyaute Beschreibung

The Landrace Team New Caledonia Iles Loyaute Sourcing: private donor
Latitude: 21° S
Elevation: 100 m.a.s.l
Height: 3 – 4 metres
Vegetative: 14,16,18 weeks
Flowering: 14-18 weeks
Aromas: roses,strawberries,sweet fruits,creamy,chewing gum,kiwi,solvents
Taste: incense,fruity
Effect: clean psychoactive,energetic,alert,clear-headed,euphoric,long-lasting
Grow type: outdoor,greenhouse,indoor
Characteristics: great vigour, rapid growth

It is one of The Landrace Team sativas collection that stands out for its way of producing resin, resistance, potency and vigour to grow reaching three metres and a half and more under optimal conditions. Its sweet and unique aromas put it on a pedestal of the most potent and special for their quality and intensity in terpene fragrances.

The Cannabis of New Caledonia (Iles Loyaute) stands out for its vigorous growth since it sprouts.
It grows very upright and elongated from its very first days. After finishing the germinative stage at great speed and vigour, it becomes a very strong seedling.

Even the cotyledons are large and elongated. Some are irregular and asymmetric, the growth is very fast, you will notice the great vigour that lies within these great sativa variety when you will see the first pair of leaves, they are stylized, fine and spiky. One of its peculiarities is to grow in a spiky and fine way, the main stem has a medium-sized radius, tightly serrated leaves of 5, 7 and 9 thin leaflets of an olive green that in bloom turns to yellow.

It can grow up to 4 meters in optimal conditions (light, water and air). These are plants that do not require large amounts of nutrients. Some plants show internodal spaces of up to 30-40 cm in their low branches, as they develop a conic-tree structure, their internodal spaces are reducing until reaching the central apical cola.

At the beginning of the flowering the New Caledonia from Iles Loyaute stops this growing in the main cola (apical central bud) while the low branches develop more losing a bit of their conical structure but in general they keep it. This is when the formation of large calyxes begin from above to the lower branches In a uniform and slow manner, letting the resin be seen and appreciated.

Their aromas quickly forming, ranging from roses to strawberries, sweet fruits, creamy and even chewing gum. A true tropical treasure to explore, a bomb of very fine aromas of great quality for its intensity. The flowers of these sativas will be ready after 14 to 18 weeks. They are stylized as well as their structure, pointy large calyxes with a good amount of resin of big, loose and abundant trichomes from half of the branches creating a very beautiful bud tail that looks like fine thorns with a good amount and quality of resin.

The effect you’ll get when sampling these plants is a very clean and psychoactive high, energetic, lucid, alert, vigilant, clear-headed, euphoric, up to three hours of high that disappears without a trail of heaviness neither in your eyes nor in your body. This line makes you more creative and focused on whatever you’re doing, you’ll feel motivated.

Flavours of incense, fruity and intense. It’s an explosion of taste in your palate. Its organoleptic qualities put it up there. A very special and unique sativa line that will be able to contribute with great results in the creation of new genetic lines to get out of the ordinary plants susceptible to diseases. These genes will pass on great vigour to your breeding programs either for the medicinal or recreational part. It goes by the name of “Ouvea”.

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New Caledonia Iles Loyaute Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

New Caledonia Iles Loyaute Stammbaum-Karte

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