Philosopher Seeds
Nepal Gum OG

Nepal Gum OG

gezüchtet von Philosopher Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Nepal Gum OG ist eine mostly sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±55 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Philosopher Seeds' Nepal Gum OG ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Philosopher Seeds' Nepal Gum OG Beschreibung

A true high yielder, Nepal Gum OG comes
from the cross between two champions at
the High Times Cannabis Cup, both with
buds and concentrates: the Goji OG Kush
as male parent and the Bubblegum as

Nepal Gum OG does not require a prolonged growth period due to its vigorous
growth. It’s suitable for the SOG technique,
using 30 plants per mchr(63063) in 3.5L pots. It also
adapts well to SCROG setups if we prune
the tops to enhance side branching. You
can also put 9 plants per m2 in 11L pots,
with a growth period of about 15-20 days.
It is highly resistant to pests - both insects and fungi – and diseases, especially root rot.
Outdoors, if large plants and yields are desired, we recommend to plant it directly in the ground or using +50L containers.

This way, 700g/plant can be easily harvested.
Nepal Gum OG performs well in any
growing system and with any medium, soil,
coco, hydro or even aeroponics. It is also an
amazing trichome producer, developing
resin on almost every leaf. This is no doubt
a wonderful plant for making resin concentrates: water hash, dry sift, BHO, etc.

Taste and effects

The smell and taste are sweet and fruity
with a Kush background, leaving a creamy
After the first phase of euphoria, the eff ect
is relaxing, leaving the mind active but
calm. It induces a strong feeling of wellbeing, putting a smile in your face instantly.
The eff ect is pleasant and long lasting,
ideal to socialize or enjoy a good movie.
Potency is guaranteed, so have some food
and drinks close to you and get ready for a
true psychoactive experience.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

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