Second Generation


gezüchtet von Second Generation Genetics

Hier findest du alle Infos zu MB232 von Second Generation Genetics. Wenn du nach Infos zu MB232 von Second Generation Genetics suchst, hier findest du die Grundinformationen oder Abstammung / Genealogie zu dieser Cannabissorte - und viele weitere Infos wenn du den Links folgst. Wenn du selber persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Anbau oder Konsum dieser Cannabissorte hast - bitte benutze doch unsere Upload Möglichkeiten um Sie auch Anderen zugänglich zu machen!

Infos vom Züchter

MB232 ist eine indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±72 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Second Generations MB232 ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Second Generations MB232 Beschreibung

Second Generation Genetics MB232 Filial Classification: Indica/sativa F1 hybrid.

Lineage: Master Kush (mother) X Dj Short F4 Blueberry (father).

Flowering Time: Approximately 68-75 days.

Production: The MB232 is a medium well to heavy producer. The females produce fluffy but large spear-shaped colas with deep violet colors covered in resin. The MB232 smells of sweep grape incense with perfume and baby powder notes.

Master Kush x DJ Short F4 Blueberry Cannabis Seeds by Second Generation Genetics

Discover the symphony of flavors and effects of the Master Kush x DJ Short F4 Blueberry cannabis seeds. This exotic crossbreed combines the soothing Indica dominance of Master Kush with the sweet, fruity tones of DJ Short F4 Blueberry, promising an unparalleled cannabis experience.

Welcome to a rich blend of soothing tranquility and fruity delight that is the Master Kush x DJ Short F4 Blueberry cannabis seeds. This potent strain, bred by Second Generation Genetics, intertwines the dense, resinous flowers of the famed Master Kush with the fruity appeal and euphoric effects of the DJ Short F4 Blueberry.

Strain Details

The Master Kush x DJ Short F4 Blueberry strain is an Indica dominant hybrid, harnessing the best traits of both its legendary parents. These cannabis seeds boast a THC content ranging from 20-25%, making for a potent, high-quality experience. The strain’s unique genetic profile is a testament to Second Generation Genetics’ commitment to developing the best cannabis strains in the seed bank industry.

Growing Information

Growing Master Kush x DJ Short F4 Blueberry requires moderate expertise, promising a high yield in 7-9 weeks. This strain is adaptable to indoor and outdoor growing conditions but thrives particularly well in hydroponic setups. With its beautiful, dense buds, growing this strain is both a rewarding and aesthetically pleasing experience.

Effects and Flavor Profile

Inhaling Master Kush x DJ Short F4 Blueberry strain is like walking through a wild forest. The strain’s aroma is a delightful mix of earthy Kush undertones complemented by fresh blueberries’ sweet, tangy notes. Upon consumption, users can expect a soothing, body-focused high, characteristic of its Master Kush heritage, mingled with the euphoric, cerebral effects of DJ Short F4 Blueberry. This balanced harmony makes this strain a favorite among seasoned and novice users.

Medical Use

Master Kush x DJ Short F4 Blueberry strain has proven beneficial for medical marijuana patients. Its potent THC levels offer potential relief for chronic pain, stress, and insomnia. The strain’s Indica dominance promotes relaxation and tranquility, potentially assisting those battling anxiety or depression.

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MB232 Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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