Brothers Ink.
Kokiri Forest

Kokiri Forest

gezüchtet von Brothers Ink.

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Infos vom Züchter

Kokiri Forest ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±70 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Brothers Ink.s Kokiri Forest ist eine CBD-Sorte mit mehr THC als CBD und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Brothers Ink.s Kokiri Forest Beschreibung

Brothers Ink. Kokiri Forest Many years have gone to offer this great strain, finally got a great clone deBlueberry dj Short 1998 jealously guarded for years by a great grower southwest of Spain, a Blueberry as before, the scent given off is simply intoxicating , hints of ripe fruit and an average production blueberries make this Blueberry ours chosen to cross with our beloved Mapetit.
Mapetit is selected and winner of several awards strain, the ratio THC / CBD is 1; 1 and could be described as tasty and very good production.
After much consideration we decided to cross the two large plants ..
Kokiri Forest grows as a indica plant, broadleaf and short internodes, despite being an indica is fussy about food we like to give light soil mix in the whole process and we usually pay it with organic fertilizers to get his whole personality.
We simply love in bloom, the scent is a blend of orange peel, red fruits and a spicy touch from taking over all the living culture, we consider it very fragrant.
As for the smoke it is delightful, very sweet with a background in clementine and red fruits.
The effect is certainly the best of this strain, a plant that you can enjoy great taste and will not let you down, with energizing effect without getting nervous because the CBD and THC enough touch to enjoy a good and inspiring balloon very social, ideal for removing pain and get on with your daily routine without feeling heavy.

-Genetics : Blueberry DJ Short x Mapetit ( reversed )

THC and CBD: between 15 % and 18 % of high levels of THC and CBD in almost all individuals hovering between 2% and 5% .

-Production : Medium-high .

-Times Flowering : 65 to 75 days indoors and between 5 and 20 October outdoors .

-Note : We recommend using an extra calcium and magnesium in flowering stage and not abuse of nitrogen in the process.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Kokiri Forest Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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