Hawaii Maui Waui Automatic

Hawaii Maui Waui Automatic

gezüchtet von Nirvana Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Hawaii Maui Waui Automatic ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica/sativa Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±70 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. Nirvanas Hawaii Maui Waui Automatic ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Nirvanas Hawaii Maui Waui Automatic Beschreibung

Nirvana Seeds Hawaii Maui Waui Automatic The Hawaiian strain with tropical flavours and cheerful effects was crossed with a Ruderalis plant, so as to increase its resistance to low temperatures, and benefit from its qualities in areas where its cultivation would be difficult or even impossible.

Although Auto Hawaii Maui Waui is more resistant to adverse conditions than the non-auto version, it retains a certain fragility to cold temperatures, which will require a sheltered greenhouse cultivation to provide satisfactory results. Even though it has good resistance to pests and humidity.

In warm Mediterranean climates, its vigour allows to obtain large plants that can reach up to 1.60m in open ground, producing very dense and long buds. In indoor cultivation, a good light intensity and a temperature of between 23°-26°C should bring out its full potential.

Hawaii Maui Waui Auto, an exotic flavour
In addition to its generous yield, the harvest's flavour has a unique terpenes profile and is not short on potency. Its tropical lemony sweetness with pineapple undertones is noticeable, with complex fruity Skunk and hardwood notes, even more intense when vaporised.

During consumption, a relaxing physical effect appears quickly, while its cerebral psychoactivity causes an uplift in mood, adding a sense of well-being, freeing the mind from any negativity and promoting concentration. In large quantities, it inspires creativity but can leave you glued to the couch if consumed in excess.

It has a full cycle of about 9-11 weeks from germination so several harvests per year can be obtained.

Nirvana Seeds Auto Hawaii Maui Waui info:
Type: Feminised autoflowering cannabis seed
Genetics: Hawaii Maui Waui x Ruderalis
Sativa Indica hybrid
Flowering: 9-11 weeks
Yield: Medium-high

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Hawaii Maui Waui Automatic Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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