Medical Seeds
Gelato 242

Gelato 242

gezüchtet von Medical Seeds Co.

Hier findest du alle Infos zu Gelato 242 von Medical Seeds Co.. Wenn du nach Infos zu Gelato 242 von Medical Seeds Co. suchst, hier findest du die Grundinformationen oder Abstammung / Genealogie zu dieser Cannabissorte - und viele weitere Infos wenn du den Links folgst. Wenn du selber persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Anbau oder Konsum dieser Cannabissorte hast - bitte benutze doch unsere Upload Möglichkeiten um Sie auch Anderen zugänglich zu machen!

Infos vom Züchter

Gelato 242 ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±68 Tage Blütezeit benötigen) und draussen angebaut werden. Medical Seeds' Gelato 242 ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Medical Seeds' Gelato 242 Beschreibung

Medical Seeds Co. Gelato 242 It is the encounter between two great US cannabis plants such as Gelato 41 (Sunset Sherbet x GSC) and Do-Si-Dos (Girl Scout Cookies x Face Off OG), resulting in a cocktail with 60/40 Indica Sativa genetics.

This strain develops a strong pyramidal structure. A very vigorous that plant doubles in size as it moves into the flowering stage. By using optimisation techniques such as supercropping, widening the plant and increasing light penetration the yield can be maximised.

It can reach up to 2m when cultivated outdoors in open ground, provided with abundant light, warm weather and good nutrients. Although it adapts well to all types of growing environments and cultivation techniques.

Gelato 242, super resinous pink buds
It produces tight and voluminous buds with a very good calyx-leaf ratio. They acquire pink, reddish and purple colours. It offers an abundant yield, offering about 450g per m2 in an indoor grow tent, and a yield of up to 500g per plant outdoors.

Gelato 242 delivers a flavour that blends sweet, creamy and fruity undertones with exotic pastry and spice notes. Aromas and flavours that permeate the palate with each puff and leave a truly intoxicating fragrance in the air.

The effects are intense, powerful and long lasting, thoroughly relaxing body and mind while melting you in waves of wellbeing. It is perfect for ending the day with calm and tranquillity, relaxing and chasing away stress.

Medical Seeds Gelato 242 info:
Type: Feminised cannabis seed
Genetics: Gelato 41 x Do-Si-Dos
60/40 Indica Sativa hybrid
Indoor flowering: 65-70 days
Outdoor harvest: Late October
Indoor yield: 450g per m2
Outdoor yield: 500g per plant
Size: 1.70m – 2.0m
Indoor vegetative growth: 3-4 weeks recommended

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Gelato 242 Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Gelato 242 Stammbaum-Karte

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