No Mercy
Cock a Cola

Cock a Cola

gezüchtet von No Mercy Supply

Hier findest du alle Infos zu Cock a Cola von No Mercy Supply. Wenn du nach Infos zu Cock a Cola von No Mercy Supply suchst, hier findest du die Grundinformationen, Abstammung / Genealogie oder Hybriden / Kreuzungen zu dieser Cannabissorte - und viele weitere Infos wenn du den Links folgst. Wenn du selber persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Anbau oder Konsum dieser Cannabissorte hast - bitte benutze doch unsere Upload Möglichkeiten um Sie auch Anderen zugänglich zu machen!

Infos vom Züchter

Cock a Cola ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen angebaut werden. No Mercys Cock a Cola ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

No Mercys Cock a Cola Beschreibung

No Mercy Supply Cock a Cola Bred by No Mercy Supply, Cock a Cola is a hybrid strain possessing 75% indica genes and 25% sativa genes. So far, there is no documented information on its lineage or the whereabouts of its parents’ strains. Regardless of the mystery of its origin, Cock a Cola excels well in the medicinal and recreational marijuana department. It is really easy to cultivate so even novice growers can nourish its potential whether indoors or outdoors.

Flavor and Effects of Cock a Cola

Cock a Cola smells and tastes like the sweetness of the carbonated drink, hence the name, mixed in with a bit of spiciness with notes of coconut and moss. It delivers a clear-headed high which is strong but never overwhelming. It will induce the flow of creative juices and energy. You will immediately feel that you can accomplish anything that you will set your eyes on. You will feel your mood uplifted and yourself getting more talkative. The physical effects are also mild but shouldn’t be underestimated. The body high balances the unreachable head high. Your head will be in the clouds but your feet are still in the ground.

Medical Benefits of Cock a Cola

ADD and ADHD patients will benefit a lot from smoking Cock a Cola as it can calm and enable their minds to focus on one task at a given time. It will also unleash their hidden creative potential. The same goes for anxiety, depression, PTSD and bipolar disorder patients. The strain can help them focus and become more productive by diverting their attention to anything positive and productive, which is usually something they’re unable to accomplish due to their clouded thoughts.

Negative Effects of Cock a Cola

Cock a Cola won’t only induce your energy and happiness, but is also capable of delivering dehydration. It can cause dry mouth and dry eyes if smoked in excessive amounts. Effects may vary from person to person depending on the tolerance, but some have reported experiencing headaches, paranoia, and even panic attacks.

Growing Cock a Cola Some information and Tips

Cock a Cola responds well to training. With its tendency to be bushy, either Sea of Green (SOG) or Screen of Green (SCROG) setup can increase your yields. Keep the temperature between 68 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. An adequate diet of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and nitrogen will definitely contribute to its abundant growth and potent smell. If you are trying to be secretive in growing it, then prepare your anti-odor carbon filters to hide your precious plants.

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Cock a Cola Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Cock a Cola Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Rootbeer Cola
GMO Rootbeer x Cock a Cola

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