CBD Botanic
CBD Bubba Kush

CBD Bubba Kush

gezüchtet von CBD Botanic

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Infos vom Züchter

CBD Bubba Kush ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±63 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. CBD Botanics CBD Bubba Kush ist eine CBD-Sorte mit ungefähr gleichviel CBD und THC und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

CBD Botanics CBD Bubba Kush Beschreibung

CBD Botanic CBD Bubba Kush No collection would be complete without a cross of OG KUSH, cultivated for the first time on the East coast of the united states, it is one of the most famous varieties in the world with many awards.
This strain with a high CBD content is a predominantly Indica hybrid. It is very resilient to parasites and disease.
It is a plant with a more earthy terpenoid profile than others. Sweeter and with more lemon it is ideal for lovers of the Kush.
Its effects are relaxing and it is a good candidate for making into creams thanks to its concentration of Cannabinoids.
This variety contains an equal balance of cannabinoids. THC/CBD (1:1)

Cultivation: Inside this plant grows rapidly and so we recommend a short grow time. It is robust and ideal for the Sea of Green System.
It is characterised by its separate buds. Its brown stem can make one think that it lacks nitrogen but this is not the case, it is just its natural colour.
Grown outside it has a good growth rate and if you fertilize it you will achieve a productive plant. It takes the form of a bush measureing between 1.70 meters to 2 meters or more depending on the grower and methods used.
If you decide to plant in the greenhouse be aware that this plant can grow very large so we recommend it is planted later than usual as its rapid growth can cause trouble with space. It is advisable to control the greenhouse climate.

Genetics: 80% Indica 20% Sativa
Yield (g/m2): 400-500
Flowering time indoors: 9 weeks
Harvesting outdoors: mid October
Terpenes: Limonene, Myrcene
CBD: 8%
THC: 8%
Aroma: Lemon

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CBD Bubba Kush Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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