Mike Crowe
Bubba iX

Bubba iX

gezüchtet von Mike Crowe Seedery

Hier findest du alle Infos zu Bubba iX von Mike Crowe Seedery. Wenn du nach Infos zu Bubba iX von Mike Crowe Seedery suchst, hier findest du die Grundinformationen, Abstammung / Genealogie oder Hybriden / Kreuzungen zu dieser Cannabissorte - und viele weitere Infos wenn du den Links folgst - oder durchsuche alle Bubba iX Sorten (3) um eine andere Version von einem anderen Züchter zu finden. Wenn du selber persönliche Erfahrungen mit dem Anbau oder Konsum dieser Cannabissorte hast - bitte benutze doch unsere Upload Möglichkeiten um Sie auch Anderen zugänglich zu machen!

Infos vom Züchter

Bubba iX ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen (wo die weiblichen Pflanzen ±55 Tage Blütezeit benötigen), draussen und im Gewächshaus angebaut werden. Mike Crowes Bubba iX ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

Mike Crowes Bubba iX Beschreibung

"BUBBA" iX = (Pre98 BUBBA x ((Katsu Bubba / "Bubba kush")f2)f5)

Verdantgreen @icmag obtained some "Bubba Kush" regular seeds (indirectly)from an oldschool member at @icmag called Stash. Years ago Stash was in a seed trading group which included Katsu Bluebird amongst its members. As many of you know Katsu was well known for passing around the green Bubba cut, the story goes that Katsu obtained some "Bubba Kush" pollen from a guy online and dusted his Katsu Bubba cut with it.


=katsu x "bubba kush" f1

Stash got some of the F1 seeds from Katsu, grew them out and made 'F2s'.

=katsu x "bubba kush" f2

big thanks to Stash for maintaining and sharing these genetics
it is some of these F2s that verdantgreen managed to get hold of and grew out.
Verdantgreen said the katsu x "bubba" F2 line contained the classic bubba funk,
but it is a sweeter creamy coffee smell compared to the more bitter smell of the pre98.
The katsu x bubba kush F2 also has definite pine and mint smells in the line,
as well as being a little more perfumed.

The Katsu leaning phenos are more spear shaped and trangular
The Pre98 leaners have golf ball nugs

Verdantgreen used pollen from all the f2 boys to dust pre-98 Bubba...

=Pre98 bubba x ((katsu/"bubba kush")F2) = what verdantgreen sold as regular bubba

2015: Mike Crowe Seedery obtained 40x seeds of
verdantgreens Pre98 BUBBA x ((Katsu Bubba / "Bubba kush")f2) (f1)*
with the intention of creating a bubba male

2017: -40x... outdoor - f2 - selective seed increase
killed anything that didnt look or smell like bubba

2018: -60x... indoor - f3 - searching for the best
pollenated top 6 bubba type females with 6 very fragrant males..
male notes: lime gas, purple skunky, nag champ perfume stem rubs
+/- some other flavors

2019: -100x... indoor - f4 - spliting the line -
pollenated the top 3 representations of 3 different phenos
pre98ish(purple) - katsuish(green) - stickbuddy
a. purple and green females with the bushy bubba type males
b. stick bud female with the stick bud males

2020: -300x... outdoor - f5 - testing and more splitting
250x... purple/green
50x... stick bud

stick bud line - smells -
everything smells like old-school bubblegum/roman chamomile, fruitloops
very little if any side branching, thick knobby buds
pollenated with top 2-3 males from purple/green line

purple/green line - smells -
I pollinated these 4 females with the best 2-3 males from the purple/green line
1. red- mint chocolate nuts skunky anise
2. purple- nag champ perfume purple bitter cold coffee
3. green- sweet creamy coffee warm spices nuts praline
4. gold- warm spices caramel nuts burning? gas

the female representation of the males used from the bubba ix line
aka ( Pre98 BUBBA x ((Katsu Bubba / "Bubba kush")f2) f5) line
were wide leaf fuzzy stocky plants with less than 1x stretch
smelled like warm spices nut gas with a roasted sweetness
great resin for dry sift and ice water hash

at this point the line is quite resinous
good for dry/ice water hash or flower smoking
resistant to bugs and somewhat resistant told molds
it has been acclimatized to pnw outdoor season
and contains all the smells talked about above

Sorry, keine richtige deutsche Beschreibung vorhanden!

Bubba iX Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

Bubba iX Stammbaum-Karte

Zeige alle Eltern der Sorte Bubba iX in unserer dynamischen Karte

Bubba iX Hybriden & Kreuzungen

Wir haben 10 direkte Nachkommen von Mike Crowes Bubba iX in der Seedfinder-Datenbank gefunden, hier eine kurze Übersicht. Um alle Hybriden und ihre Nachkommen zu sehen, besuche bitte unsere Bubba iX Genealogie-Seite und schau Dir alle direkten Nachkommen an, die Kreuzungen - und alle nachfolgenden Generationen.

Bubba Gum iX
Bubba Kush Bubblegum pheno x Bubba iX
Bubba Gump
GMO Skunkmasterflex cut x Bubba iX
Deathstar Bubba
Death Bubba Direwolf.og x Bubba iX
Black Mamba probably x Bubba iX
Nuken x Bubba iX
Pecan Praline
Bubba iX green pheno x Bubba iX
Purple Bubba iX
Purple Bubba x Bubba iX
Red Bubba
Bubba Kush red pheno x Bubba iX
Roberts Creek Bongo
Congolese LMN cut x Bubba iX F4
Vancouver Island Purple Afghanica
Vancouver Island Purple Indica x Bubba iX

Karte der Bubba iX Nachfahren

Wenn du an einem grossen Bildschirm sitzt und nicht am Handy, schau dir auch unsere dynamische Karte mit allen bekannten Bubba iX Kreuzungen und Nachfahren an! (aber es kann eventuell ein bisschen dauern bis alle Daten geladen und verarbeitet wurden!)

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Verknüpfe hier Videos von YOUtube mit Informationen über Bubba iX direkt mit dem SeedFinder.