Boria Baf

Boria Baf

gezüchtet von Indian Landrace Exchange

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Infos vom Züchter

Boria Baf ist eine mostly indica Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen angebaut werden. I.L.E.s Boria Baf ist THC dominant und ist/war nicht als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

I.L.E.s Boria Baf Beschreibung

Indian Landrace Exchange Boria Baf Boria Baf is a small town with receding villages at its outskirts, situated Approximately 300 kilometers, North west of capital city Kabul and merely 50 kilometers from city of balkh. Boria Baf town runs along a narrow corridor with a creek which is the main source of irrigation and guarantees a year round supply of fishes as well.

Boria Baf village is very much in tune with the chillum house culture prevalent in Afghanistan, especially in Northern afghanistan. The majority of farmers produce of hashish goes straight to the privately owned chillum houses where the sale and onsite consumption of hashish is a daily affair.

These traditional Chillum houses while serve as a cornerstone for the Afghani hashish culture, are not government approved but that hasn't really ever been a problem for the owners.
Boria baf has it's very own chillum house and is famous for the hashish made out of the Local farmed variety, Seeds are sown by farmers themselves every year, which were taken out from the ripe crops last year.

The general consensus amongst hashish smokers in afghanistan is that regions in Balkh province produces better quality resin, which has stronger and longer lasting effects compared to Hindukush or Panjshir valley produce, And they generally attribute it to the relatively longer and prominent summer season in Balkh province.

Some people even go to lengths claiming Hindu kush produce be it fruits/spices or herbs is premature and doesn't even come close to the quality of Northern and North-west highlands/lowlands, which of course to a great extent is a part of regional convictions amongst people, as they believe a relatively longer and hotter summer must make natural produce better.

The local farmed variety in boria baf is a Broad leaved variety, with dark green leaves and a very short- squatty plant compared to some of it's wilder relatives from the same province. The reported flavours From the resin are - spicy, Earthy and semi-foul skunk like, the flowering time is much shorter than the wild hindu kush and mazari cultivars, Late sept to early october is a good time for harvesting this farmed variety from boria baf, Afghanistan.

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Boria Baf Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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