Blueberry XXL Auto

Blueberry XXL Auto

gezüchtet von BSF Seeds

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Infos vom Züchter

Blueberry XXL Auto ist eine automatisch blühende ruderalis/indica Sorte von und kann drinnen und draussen - wo die weiblichen, selbstblühenden Pflanzen ±74 Tage vom Keimling bis zur Ernte benötigen - angebaut werden. BSFs Blueberry XXL Auto ist THC dominant und ist/war nur als feminisierte Samen erhältlich.

BSFs Blueberry XXL Auto Beschreibung

BSF Seeds Blueberry XXL Auto BSF Seeds produces automatic genetics that retain all the feminised cannabis characteristics, providing you all the classic cannabis fetures with no need to concern about the photoperiod.

Blueberry XXL Auto, the classic cannabis in auto format
Blueberry is one of the best known and most cultivated genetics since the 90s. Therefore, this BSF Seeds XXL Auto version offers everything that has made this genetics a success, which has received numerous awards during several cannabis cups over the years.

Blueberry XXL Auto is easy to cultivate, offering a complete cycle of about 10-11 weeks, i.e. the plant is ready to harvest after about 70-75 days after germination. It is quite compact and develops many secondary branches, so it is very easy to control and manage to suit any cultivation.

It is recommended to place Blueberry XXL Auto directly in its definitive pots, providing 11-25 litre pots in order to obtain the best possible results. If cultivated indoors, the plant requires 20/4 light/darkness. Temperatures above 26-27°C should be avoided to obtain maximum results with yields that can reach up to 450g per m2.

Outdoors, it is necessary to favour a rather dry and warm environment for plants that remain compact. It withstands well low temperatures and can provide yields of up to 150-200g per plant under the right conditions.

Blueberry XXL Auto cannabis harvest
Blueberry is a true cannabis genetics classic, with distinct flavours and aromas that are recognisable among thousands. Sweet blueberry and berry flavours linger in the mouth for a long time after consumption. It can be easily vaporised or used in a more traditional way.

Its effects deliver a strong cerebral high that provides a euphoric and motivational feeling for a long while, ideal for socialising. The effect finishes with a deep relaxation, leaving you well rested and recovered. It is ideal to consume in the evening to start the following day energised.

BSF Seeds Blueberry XXL Auto info:
Type: Auto-flowering cannabis seed
Genetics: Blueberry Auto
80 / 20 Indica Sativa hybrid
Full cycle: 10-11 weeks
Indoor yield: 450-500g per m2
Outdoor yield: 150-200g per plant
THC: 20%

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Blueberry XXL Auto Ahnenforschung / Stammbaum

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